Official SealHuman Resource Services Department

Supplemental Questionnaire

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First Name

Applicants for this position are required to submit responses to the following supplemental questions.  Your completed responses to the supplemental questionnaire will be evaluated to determine your qualifications and must be completed properly in order to be given full consideration for the next phase in the selection process. Additionally, your responses will also be evaluated and used in the selection process in order to identify the best qualified applicants. 

Responses should be thorough and specific.  A lack of detail and explanation in the supplemental questions and in your application may result in failure or disqualification for this position.  Clarity of expression, content, experience, grammar, spelling and the ability to follow instructions will be considered in the evaluation process.  A resume will not be accepted as a substitute for properly completed responses.

Information provided in your responses to the supplemental questionnaire regarding your employment experiences must also be detailed in the Work Experience section of the application for this recruitment.  Please be sure to list all employers and required information, on your application, especially if you are referencing those employers in your responses to the supplemental questions.

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Please describe your education and experience that apply to site characterization, remediation, and mitigation of risk to human health and the environment at hazardous materials release sites. Indicate where this experience or knowledge was gained, the position(s) held, and your specific duties and responsibilities.


Please describe how a Responsible Party for a hazardous materials release for a Leaking Underground Storage Tank site is identified. Compare and contrast how the Responsible Party identification differs for a Site Cleanup Program case.


Describe the various State of California prepared guidance documents for petroleum USTs and other contaminant releases that are specific to the Local Oversight Program. Explain the purpose for the documents and how they are used by the local agencies.


Describe your experience with GeoTracker as it relates to the primary document repository for State and Local Agencies.


Understanding a Site Conceptual Model and identifying potential data gaps is crucial in adequately assessing the potential exposure risk scenario at a hazardous materials release site. Vapor Intrusion of contaminants from the subsurface into indoor air has become of greater concern in recent years.  Evaluating vapor intrusion requires a stepwise approach with more comprehensive datasets from multiple lines of evidence. If you were evaluating a case with a shallow groundwater contaminant plume (approx. 10 feet bgs) underneath an occupied commercial building located adjacent to a residential neighborhood, how would you evaluate potential vapor intrusion to indoor air and what information would you need to complete the Site Conceptual Model? Please describe what steps you would take?


Describe your knowledge and experience in conducting site inspections, evaluations and investigations and construction oversight.

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