$26.05-$33.63 Hourly / $2,083.84-$2,689.66 BiWeekly /
$54,388.00-$70,200.00 Yearly
In a state agency this class is accountable for mastering the skills necessary to satisfactorily complete the training program for a professional accounting or auditing position.
Works under the immediate and close supervision of accountants or similar professional employees to whom on-the-job training or supervision has been delegated.
Prior to appointment to this class there must be an approved designated class within the bargaining unit identified to which the incumbent will be appointed upon successful completion of an approved development program.
The length of the development program is determined by the experience and training requirements of the designated class and the prior experience of the incumbent. At the completion of the development program incumbents must meet the experience and training requirements of the designated class. The program cannot be less than one (1) year and cannot exceed three (3) calendar years in accordance with C.G.S. 5-234.
Incumbents in this class will be eligible for reclassification to the designated class without competitive examination upon successful completion of the development program and satisfactory service.
All appointments to this class shall be under terms of a development program and in accordance with a time schedule approved by the Commissioner of Administrative Services. All development programs must be approved by the Department of Administrative Services prior to appointment to this class.
Minimum Requirements | Hiring Rate | Completion of 1 Year of Training |
Bachelor's degree with at least 15 semester hours in accounting and/or qualifying experience |
Step 3 | Step 5 |
Bachelor's degree with at least 30 semester hours in accounting |
Step 5 | Step 7 |
Master's degree in a related field with at least 15 semester hours in accounting |
Step 5 | Step 7 |
Master's degree in a related field with at least 30 semester hours in accounting |
Step 6 | Step 7 |
The salary for an employee who completes any of the above minimum requirements after initial appointment to the Accounting Careers Trainee job class will be adjusted commensurate with the schedule above and effective the pay period following the date the degree has been conferred or the pay period following the date the appropriate number of credits as indicated above have been earned.
For current state employees compensation will be in accordance with guidelines for computing salary adjustments set forth by the Department of Administrative Services, Determining Salary Upon Change in Class Manual.