$43.26-$56.74 Hourly / $3,460.12-$4,539.16 BiWeekly /
$90,309.00-$118,472.00 Yearly
Distinction will be made between accountability for and participation in these functions. Fiscal/administrative supervisors, managers and chiefs must be accountable for (or supervise) the function if it is to be considered under the Guidelines for Class Use.
The descriptions of each functional heading are not meant to be all inclusive. Their purpose is to provide a sampling of tasks in each functional area.
Accountability for budget preparation and management for agency or facility; at higher levels includes participation in planning and policy decisions.
Supervision of the agency's or facility's general fund accounting; includes maintenance of accounts (EDP or manual); Comptroller reconciliations; internal reconciliations; subsidiary accounts; payment lists; financial statements and reports; petty cash.
Supervision of the maintenance of accounting records, reconciliations, financial statements for grant funds, etc.
b. GRANT MONITORING* (non-programmatic)
Accountable for monitoring (or supervising monitoring) of grantees to ensure that funds are accounted for and expended properly. This can include pre- or post-audit of payments, review and analysis of budgets and financial statements, review of accounting procedures. It may include field work such as assistance with setting up financial records and may include (or consist mainly of) auditing grantees.
Accountability for or supervision of any additional professional accounting or accounts examining work which may be unique to an agency.
Accountability for and/or supervision of these areas combined will generally be considered one (1) function. The exception is a warehouse operation employing at least three (3) full-time (or part-time equivalent) positions, which may be considered one (1) additional function.
Accountability for and /or supervision of contract preparation and monitoring.
Accountability for and/or supervision of the agency or facility personnel function. This includes recruitment, personnel records, classification issues, grievances and other labor relations issues, worker's compensation, career and benefits counseling.
Accountability for supervision of preparation of agency or facility goals, affirmative action recruitment, reporting, counseling, and other aspects of implementation of affirmative action goals.
Supervision of the payroll function.
Each additional support service supervised (e.g., laundry, security, maintenance, switchboard, food service) having a minimum of three (3) full-time positions or part-time equivalent or taking a minimum of 10% of total fiscal/administrative staff time can be considered one (1) additional function.
Supervision of a data processing operation including professional data processing staff (i.e., Computer Programmer 1 or above).
NOTE * These area must consume a significant amount of professional staff hours to be considered additional functions under the guidelines. As a rule of thumb, a significant amount of time will be considered a minimum of 10% of total professional staff time or supervision of one (1) full-time professional position, whichever is smaller.