$57.52-$78.43 Hourly / $4,601.04-$6,273.68 BiWeekly /
$120,087.00-$163,743.00 Yearly
In the Office of Early Childhood this class is accountable for directing a variety of complex fiscal and administrative functions with a major emphasis on fiscal administration.
Receives administrative direction from the Commissioner or other administrative official of higher grade.
Directs all staff.
Ten (10) years of experience in a combination of fiscal and administrative functions (e.g. accounting, accounts examining, budget management, grants administration, payroll, purchasing) at least one (1) of which must be an accounting function.
(04)-Business Management
(1)-Officials and Administrators
MP 69
This replaces the existing specification for the class of Fiscal/Administrative Manager 2 (Confidential) in Salary Group MP 69 approved effective October 11, 2019. (Revised to add Acknowledgement section and modify content) Final 22-007