$31.75-$48.08 Hourly / $2,539.70-$3,845.83 BiWeekly /
$66,286.00-$100,376.00 Yearly
Plans, organizes and directs indoor activities of the recreational program such as gymnasium work, individual sports, inclement weather activities; plans, organizes and directs outdoor activities such as basketball, volleyball, baseball and football; plans organizes and directs various social game programs, hobbies, amateur hours and the like; adapts and creates programs to meet specific needs; supervises the care and maintenance of necessary equipment and orders necesssary equipment; plans schedules to obtain maximum participation; instructs employees and volunteers in recreational activities; keeps records of individual participation; attends conferences and makes reports; does related duties as required.
Thorough knowledge of principles of physical education and recreational therapy; thorough knowledge of the methods and techniques of organizing and directing a sports program; knowledge of objectives, practices and policies relating to correctional institutions; skill in the techniques involved in the major sports; ability to supervise and teach others; ability to enforce discipline and gain confidence and respect; ability to keep records make records.
Graduation from college (graduation shall be considered successful completion of a four-year college course it its equivalent) with major course work in physical education, recreation or recreational therapy and two (2) years of employment in an organized recreation program or not less than six (6) years of employment in an organized recreation program including the specialized experience or an equivalent combination, in number of years, of the above type of employment and college training totalling at least six (6) years including the specialized experience.
In addition to good general health candidates must have and retain sufficient strength, stamina, agility and visual and auditory acuity necessary to perform all the duties of the class.