$55.69-$101.18 Hourly / $4,454.72-$8,093.72 BiWeekly /
$116,268.00-$211,246.00 Yearly
In the Office of Health Strategy this class is accountable for assisting the Commissioner in administering the overall implementation of data driven strategies that promote equal access to high quality health care, control costs and ensure better health for the people of Connecticut.
Receives direction from the Commissioner of Health Strategy.
Appointed by the Commissioner of Health Strategy in accordance with the provisions outlined in Sections 4-5 through 4-8, of the Connecticut General Statutes and Public Acts 18-91 and 24-81.
(12)-General Administration and Management
EX 03
This replaces the existing title of and specification for the class of Deputy Director Office of Health Strategy in Salary Group EX 03 approved effective December 18, 2023. (Reviewed in accordance with Connecticut General Statute ยง 5-200a. Revised to retitle and modify content) Final No. 24-121