In the Office of the State Treasurer this class is accountable for providing legal advice and representation in state investment transactions and investment programs.
This class is distinguished from Principal Investment Counsel by the complexity, variety, scope, and size of staff managed, all of which are greater in Principal Investment Counsel.
Receives general direction from a Principal Investment Counsel.
Incumbents in this class must be admitted to practice law in the State of Connecticut.
Candidates may be considered if admitted to practice law in the State of Connecticut within one (1) year of the date of appointment. Pursuant to Section 51-88 of the Connecticut General Statutes, an incumbent who has not been admitted to practice law may not "assume, use or advertise the title of lawyer, attorney and counsel at law, counselor at law, attorney, counselor, attorney and counselor, or an equivalent term, in such a manner as to convey the impression that he is a legal practitioner of law". Until such time that an incumbent is admitted to practice law in the State of Connecticut, the incumbent shall be referred to as an Investment Law Associate.
Compensation for this class shall be determined by the Treasurer within salary ranges established by the Treasurer in consultation with the Investment Advisory Council.
As defined by Sec. 5-196 of the Connecticut General Statutes, a job class is a position or group of positions that share general characteristics and are categorized under a single title for administrative purposes. As such, a job class is not meant to be all-inclusive of every task and/or responsibility.
New Class. Item No. 24-126