$45.94-$57.89 Hourly / $3,674.60-$4,630.69 BiWeekly /
$95,907.00-$120,861.00 Yearly
In the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities this class is accountable for independently performing a full range of tasks in the Office of Commission Counsel.
Incumbents in this class perform full professional working level legal work. They provide legal counsel and services to the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities and services to constituent units of the Commission relative to its human and civil rights law enforcement activities. They may develop a depth of knowledge in a specialty area such as disability discrimination law, age discrimination law, pregnancy discrimination law, Employee Retirement Income Security Act, Bankruptcy and Corporate dissolution law. They may conduct complex cases with advice and counsel of higher level attorneys. Complex cases may be defined as obscure points of law, no clear precedent, cases of first impression or cases likely to lead to appeal. The complexity of case preparation is related but not limited to extensive research, numbers of witnesses involved, variety of evidence to be gathered, level of the court or type of proceeding.
Works under the general supervision of an employee of higher grade.
May lead Human Rights Attorney 1's on a case by case basis and other professional, paralegal and clerical staff as assigned.
Two (2) years of experience in the practice of law including handling constitutional, employment discrimination, labor or civil rights matters.
One (1) year of the General Experience must have been in trial or appellate legal work.
After completion of three (3) years of successful and satisfactory performance as a Human Rights Attorney 2 at the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, an incumbent will be moved to the Human Rights Attorney 3 classification (on the first pay period following the completion of the three (3) year requirement).
This replaces the existing specification for the class of Human Rights Attorney 2 in Salary Group SH 28 approved effective June 26, 2023. (Reviewed in accordance with Connecticut General Statute ยง 5-200a. Revised to modify Supervision Received) Final No. 24-174