The State of Connecticut’s Office of Policy and Management (OPM) is currently recruiting for a Leadership Associate (confidential), in the functional role of Labor Relations Associate Trainee, within the Office of Labor Relations (OLR). The qualified individual for this position will be appointed to the target class of Labor Relations Associate upon completion of the applicable training period.
Work at a Forbes-recognized company! Connecticut is proud to be featured on both America's Best Employers by State and Best Employers for New Grads in 2024. With our dynamic job market and commitment to fostering a thriving workforce, Connecticut stands out as a top destination for both seasoned professionals and fresh graduates seeking to launch their careers.
Professional growth and development opportunities.
This is a full time (40 hours per week) position conveniently located in Hartford, CT, easily accessible to all major highways.
LOCATION: OPM, Office of Labor Relations
ADDRESS: 450 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT
WORK HOURS: Full-time, first shift, 40 hours per week
SCHEDULE: Monday through Friday
Perform a full range of Labor Relations (LR) activities related to the administration of Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA).
Provide counsel to agencies on LR matters and interpretations of CBAs for the majority of executive branch agencies in the State of Connecticut.
Handle a caseload bringing numerous labor matters to resolution through settlement, arbitration or administrative hearing.
At OPM we report directly to the Governor and provide information and analysis that the Governor uses to formulate public policy for the state. We also assist state agencies and municipalities in implementing the law and public policy on behalf of the people of Connecticut. We prepare the Governor’s budget proposals; implement and monitor the execution of the enacted budget; and oversee the executive branch agencies that report to the Governor.
OLR serves as the Governor’s designated representative, through the Secretary of OPM, on collective bargaining matters for the majority of executive branch State employees.
By the conclusion of your training program you will be accountable for performing a full range of labor relations activities related to the administration of collective bargaining agreements.
The ideal candidate for this position will be able to create and maintain ongoing relationships with various stakeholders and parties, including Commissioners, union representatives and agency employees; will have a desire to present oral arguments in arbitration and administrative hearings; will have a desire to work in a team environment with flexible assignments and evolving priorities; and will be able to make independent decisions and defend complex factual and legal questions in various labor forums.
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Meet Minimum Qualifications: Ensure you meet the Minimum Qualifications listed on the job opening by the job closing date. You must specify your qualifications on your application. The minimum experience and training requirements listed must be met by the close date on the job opening, unless otherwise specified.
Educational Credits: List your earned credits and degrees from accredited institutions accurately on your application. To receive educational credits towards qualification, the institution must be accredited. If the institution of higher learning is located outside of the U.S., you are responsible for providing documentation from a recognized USA accrediting service which specializes in determining foreign education equivalencies to the contact listed below.
Resume Policy: Per Public Act 21-69, resumes are not accepted during the initial application process. As the recruitment process progresses, candidates may be required to submit additional documentation to support their qualification(s) for this position. This documentation may include: a cover letter, resume, transcripts, diplomas, performance reviews, attendance records, supervisory references, licensure, etc., at the request and discretion of the hiring agency.
Preferred Shift/Location: Select all location(s) and shift(s) you are willing to work on your application. Failure to do so may result in not being considered for vacancies in that specific location or shift.
Timely Submission: All application materials must be received by the job posting deadline. You will be unable to make revisions once you officially submit your application to the State. Late submissions are rarely accepted, with exceptions only for documented events that incapacitate individuals during the entire duration of the job posting. Request exceptions by emailing
Salary Calculations: For current state employees, salary calculations are not necessarily comparable from one of the three branches of state government (i.e., Executive, Legislative, Judicial) to the other.
Note: The only way to apply to this posting is via the ‘Apply’ or ‘Apply Online’ buttons on the official State of Connecticut Online Employment Center job posting.
Referral Questions: This posting may require completion of additional Referral Questions (RQs), which must be completed by the questionnaire’s expiration date. If requested, RQs can be accessed via an email sent to you after the job close date or by visiting your JobAps Personal Status Board (Certification Questionnaires section).
Prepare For An Interview: Interviews are limited to those whose experience and training are most aligned with the role. To prepare, review this helpful Interview Preparation Guide to make the best impression!
Stay connected! Log in daily to your JobAps Personal Status Board to track your status and check email (including spam/junk folders) for updates and tasks.
The immediate vacancy is listed above, however, applications to this recruitment may be used for future vacancies in this job class.
Note: This position will be filled in accordance with contractual language, reemployment, SEBAC, transfer, promotion and merit employment rules. Candidates who are offered and accept a position with the State of Connecticut are bound by the State Code of Ethics for Public Officials and State employees, available at
Due to high volume, we are unable to confirm receipt or provide status updates directly. For recruitment updates, please check your Personal Status Board and review our Frequently Asked Questions. If you have additional questions about the recruitment process, reach out to
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In a state agency incumbents in this class participate in a formal development program designed to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to qualify for appointment to a designated managerial or professional confidential class assigned to the MP Pay Plan.
By the end of the training program, the incumbent in this position will perform the following duties:
Hear grievance appeals at the OLR level;
Draft grievance responses, legal briefs and correspondence;
Prepare and present the state’s cases at arbitration and in administrative hearings;
Provide counsel to agencies on Labor Relations (LR) matters and interpretations of Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA’s);
Coordinate Labor Relations contract proposals;
Conduct research into current labor relations issues;
Handle a caseload bringing numerous issues to resolution under specific time frames dictated by statute, regulation or CBA; and
understand and apply state and federal laws, statutes and regulations;
analyze and solve problems;
effect and manage change;
plan for and implement excellent customer service;
learn a new knowledge base in functional area;
learn and apply policy and procedure;
Managerial aptitude.
Candidates must be able to meet the experience and training requirements of the designated class at the completion of the development program.
The preferred candidate will have a law degree.
Prior to appointment to this class there must be an approved managerial or professional confidential designated class identified to which the incumbent will be appointed upon successful completion of an approved development program. Incumbents in this class must meet the experience and training requirements of the identified designated class at the end of the development program.
The work schedule for this classification is full-time. Incumbents must work a full-time forty (40) hours per week schedule.
Incumbents in this class will be eligible for reclassification to the designated class without competitive examination upon successful completion of the development program and satisfactory service. The length of the development program should be designed around the requirements of the designated class and the prior experience of the incumbent but in no case should be less than one (1) year or exceed three (3) calendar years in accordance with C.G.S. 5-234.
All appointments to this class shall be under terms of an approved development program and in accordance with a time schedule approved by the Department of Administrative Services.
No additional working test period shall be required upon successful completion of the development program.
The State of Connecticut is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and strongly encourages the applications of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities.
As defined by Sec. 5-196 of the Connecticut General Statutes, a job class is a position or group of positions that share general characteristics and are categorized under a single title for administrative purposes. As such, a job class is not meant to be all inclusive of every task and/or responsibility.
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