
Bank Examiner I (#MABJ01)
$38,010.00 Yearly Min / $47,513.00 Yearly Mid / $57,016.00 Yearly Max

Bank Examiner II (#MABJ02)
$45,798.00 Yearly Min / $57,248.00 Yearly Mid / $68,698.00 Yearly Max

Bank Examiner III (#MABJ03)
$51,858.00 Yearly Min / $64,822.00 Yearly Mid / $77,786.00 Yearly Max

Bank Examiner IV (#MABJ04)
$58,719.00 Yearly Min / $73,399.00 Yearly Mid / $88,079.00 Yearly Max

Chief Bank Examiner (#MABJ05)
$70,750.00 Yearly Min / $88,438.00 Yearly Mid / $106,126.00 Yearly Max

Review Examiner (#MABJ06)
$75,286.00 Yearly Min / $94,107.00 Yearly Mid / $112,928.00 Yearly Max

Description of Occupational Work

This class series uses six levels in the Administrative Services occupational group, Fiscal Services occupational series and describes examination of financial institutions under the jurisdictions of the State Bank Commission. Financial institutions examined range in size and complexity from small and simple building and loan companies to very large and complex financial institutions. Institutions examined may include: Bankholding Companies, Foreign Agencies, Foreign Representative Offices, Banks, Non-Bank Banks, Consumer Credit Banks, Financial Center Development Act Banks, Non-Deposit Trust Companies, Limited Purpose Trust Companies, Mutual Savings Banks, Saving and Loan Companies, Licensed Lenders and Motor Vehicle Sales Finance Companies.

Note: This career ladder series incorporates levels I, II, III  and IV. The I level is to provide entry for hiring new employees into the class series but does not preclude hiring new employees at higher levels.  Employees may be promoted through the career ladder in accordance with minimum qualifications and promotional standards. Promotional standards, a selection document under separate cover, sets forth the criteria that defines and describes the requirements that must be met at each level.  Advancement of employees through the career ladder is dependent on an agency's/department's operational needs and distribution of work. 
The Chief Bank Examiner and Review Examiner levels, although not part of the career ladder, provide competitive opportunity for movement of employees.   

Essential Functions

Essential functions are fundamental, core functions common to all positions in the class series and are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all job duties for any one position in the class. Since class specifications are descriptive and not restrictive, incumbents can complete job duties of similar kind not specifically listed here.
  • Conducts field examinations of financial institutions to include the analysis and evaluation of records, books, assets and liabilities, security procedures, securities, insurance policies, real estate, minutes of director's meetings, institution by-laws.
  • Determines compliance with laws, rules, and regulations and ensures safety and soundness of financial institutions.
  • Prepares comprehensive reports of examinations, including comments and conclusions.
  • Attends various training, technical schools and seminars to increase level of competence and to keep abreast of changes in laws, regulations, and procedures. 

Levels of Work

Bank Examiner I
This is the first level of bank examination work.

  • Works under the close supervision of a technical supervisor.
  • Assists in the examination of financial institutions as a member of a field examination team.
  • Assists higher level examiners in preparing portions of the report of examination.
  • May perform as examiner-in-charge of Licensed Lender and Motor Vehicle Sales Finance Company examination.

Bank Examiner II
This is the second level of bank examination work.

  • Works under the supervision of a technical/administrative superior. 
  • Performs examinations of all financial institutions.
  • Prepares portions of the report of examination.
  • Reviews, edits, and censures completed examination reports to determine completeness, accuracy, appropriateness of conclusions and recommendations for final submission to the Commissioner and subsequently to the institution.
  • Attends, participates and sometimes conducts meetings with officers and/or directors of the institutions to review examination findings.
  • Attends technical schools in specialty areas.
  • May be given responsibility as examiner in charge of a financial institution. Plans assignments and reviews the work of examining team when performing as examiner in charge. Oversees some training assignments of lower level examiners.

Bank Examiner III

This is the third level of bank examination work.

  • Performs the full range of examining activities of financial institutions.
  • Conducts examinations of financial institutions at any level or degree of difficulty.
  • Acts as examiner in charge during the examination/visitation of medium to large sized financial institutions; plans, assigns, and oversees the examination process.
  • Conducts pre-examination reviews; determines scope and personnel requirements of examinations/visitations.
  • Attends and conducts meetings with directors and managers of financial institutions.
  • Makes recommendations and advises superior regarding the condition of financial institutions and field staff progress.
  • Conducts special investigations and assignments.

Bank Examiner IV

This level is responsible for supervising or performing examinations of any financial institution, including trust departments of banks and independent and non-deposit trust companies.

  • Conducts examinations of financial institutions, at any level or degree of difficulty including trust departments of banks, and independent and non-deposit trust companies.
  • Acts as examiner-in-charge during examinations of financial institution of any size and complexity, as assigned.
  • Supervises major sections of examination reports when not serving as examiner-in-charge. Plans, assigns and oversees the work of examiners.
  • Plans procedures and work flow. Reviews examiners performance.
  • Reviews examination reports of subordinate examiners for consistency and accuracy.
  • Signs and authorizes final examination reports.
  • Attends and conducts meetings to relate the findings of the examination to Officers and/or Directors of the institution.
  • Conducts internal schools for examiners.
  • May participate as an instructor at Conference of State Bank Supervisor's schools for examiners.
  • Ensures new laws and regulations are implemented and incorporated into appropriate reports of examination.
  • Develops and designs report formats to effectively communicate examination purposes.
  • Composes memoranda of understanding and regulatory directives.

Chief Bank Examiner

This level is responsible for the examination of financial institutions at the administrative level as examiner in charge and supervising a team of Bank Examiners.

  • Supervision is exercised over at least two or more merit full time positions per Merit Rule 5.1460, both of which must be in the Bank Examiner series.
  • The elements of supervision include planning, assigning, reviewing, evaluating, coaching, training, recommending hire/fire and discipline.
  • Coordinates joint examinations with federal regulatory agencies, reviewing and editing examination reports prepared by subordinate examiners.
  • Determines impact of new federal regulations/reports, preparation of new State regulations/reports, preparation of supervisory letters and analysis of response to same.
  • Develops and conducts internal schools for examiners.
  • Investigates situations such as applications for new banks, mergers or branches.
  • Continues to attend technical schools and seminars for certain specialty areas to keep abreast of changes in state of the art, laws, regulations, etc., and to increase management skills.
  • May instruct at schools conducted by national organizations.

Review Examiner

This level provides quality control reviews of regulatory examinations of financial institutions and directing staff in conducting examinations.

  • Reports to the Deputy Bank Commissioner.
  • Manages directly and through Chief Bank Examiners.
  • Plans, assigns, reviews and evaluates the work of subordinate personnel; counsels staff on policies, procedures, laws, regulations, court decisions and precedents.
  • Reviews and analyzes all examination reports prepared by subordinates; determines impact of findings on the institution; prepares summary of findings and recommendations for corrective action.
  • Reviews, evaluates and recommends approval/disapproval of applications for the establishment of banks, branch offices and relocation of facilities.
  • Schedules regulatory evaluation and examination of banks; coordinates with other federal agencies the scheduling of joint examinations; determines staffing requirements for examinations based on level of difficulty, expertise required and training needs of staff.
  • Plans and implements formal, comprehensive training programs for examiners to include schools, seminars and the coordination of on-the-job training; evaluates cost effectiveness, employee development needs and agency needs.
  • Participates in highly sensitive and comprehensive examinations or investigations when higher technical expertise is warranted.
  • Reviews, evaluates and analyzes existing, proposed and newly enacted laws; advises superior on feasibility and impact; drafts new or amended legislation, regulations, policies and procedures.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

The intent of the listed knowledge, skills and abilities is to give a general indication of the core requirements for all positions in the class series; therefore, the KSA's listed are not exhaustive or necessarily inclusive of the requirements of every position in the class.

  • Knowledge of accounting principles, economics, and business laws, practices and procedures.
  • Knowledge of State, federal and other pertinent laws and regulations governing the operation and regulation of financial organizations.
  • Knowledge of the methods and procedures of examining financial institutions.
  • Knowledge of interpreting statistical, financial and other reports.
  • Knowledge of techniques to elicit information of a complex nature through interviewing and investigation.
  • Knowledge of report preparation and presentation.
  • Ability to evaluate financial transactions to determine consistency, accuracy, propriety and adequacy of accounts.
  • Ability to analyze and comprehend applicable laws, rules, regulations and policies and standards of financial institutions and to recommend changes in systems and practices involving same and to apply them to specific cases.
  • Ability to work independently, exercise sound judgments and to communicate effectively.
 In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Bank Examiner II requires:
  • Knowledge of accounting and auditing principles, economics, business practices and procedures.
  • Knowledge of supervisory practices and procedures.
  • Knowledge of techniques of interviewing, investigation and report preparation.
  • Knowledge of the methods of operation of the various financial institutions.
  • Knowledge of accounting and auditing principles, economics, business practices and procedures
  • Skill in interviewing.
  • Ability to evaluate transactions to determine consistency, accuracy, propriety and adequacy of accounts and from the reports produced from these evaluations.
  • Ability to analyze laws, rules, regulations and policies and standards, to apply them to specific situations, and to recommend changes in systems and practices involving same.
  • Ability to instruct others.
  • Ability to secure information from a variety of sources.

In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Bank Examiner III requires:

  • Knowledge of the preparation of clear, sound, accurate and informative statistical, financial, and other reports concerning findings, conclusions and recommendations.
  • Knowledge of the organization and operation of various financial institutions.
  • Knowledge of management policies.
  • Knowledge of general economic conditions and new trends within financial industry.
  • Knowledge of accepted methods used to assemble, analyze, evaluate and interpret wide ranges of financial data.
  • Skill in the analysis and the evaluation of the conditions and performance of the various financial institutions.
  • Skill in investigating.
  • Ability to interpret laws, rules, regulations and policies and to exercise sound and independent judgment.
  • Ability to assign and instruct examiners in the preparation of reports of examination.
  • Ability to assist in the orientation, training, development and supervision of subordinates.
  • Ability to prepare and deliver effective and informative reports.
  • Ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships.
  • Ability to independently analyze and interpret gathered data pertaining to the subject investigation in order to arrive at conclusions and to make recommendations about the findings.
In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Bank Examiner IV requires:
  • Knowledge of the organizational structures and the overall operations of all types of financial institutions including trust departments of banks, and independent and non-deposit trust companies.
  • Knowledge of technical terminology, including legal, financial, trust, compliance and electronic data processing.
  • Knowledge of the history, precedents, nature, scope and objectives of State regulations of financial institutions and of the controlling Federal and state laws and regulations.
  • Knowledge of managerial and motivational methods related to the coordination and supervision of subordinate personnel.
  • Ability to effectively communicate, in both written and oral form, the examination findings and conclusions of any financial institution to the institution's management and the Bank Commissioner in a clear and concise manner.
  • Ability to plan, assign, supervise and evaluate the work performed by subordinate staff.
  • Ability to analyze and resolve complex technical problems and case law.
  • Ability to analyze and recommend changes in applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
  • Ability to determine the safety and soundness inherent in a particular institution's financial condition.
  • Ability to interpret subtle inferences disclosed by complex examination reports in order to recognize potential problem areas.
  • Ability to review, evaluate and independently analyze responses to supervisory letters and determine whether the financial institution, including trust departments of banks, independent and non-deposit trust companies, have satisfactorily addressed the recommendations stated in that letter.
  • Ability to adapt new theories to problems encountered on the job.
In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Chief Bank Examiner requires:
  • Knowledge of the methods used to assemble, analyze, evaluate and interpret a wide range of financial data.
  • Knowledge of background and application of judiciary laws and general banking practices.
  • Knowledge of specialty areas assigned.
  • Skill in analyzing compliance with state and federal laws, rules and regulations.
  • Skill in analyzing need for and recommending changes in laws, rules and regulations.
  • Ability to analyze and evaluate capital adequacy, asset quality, management performance, earning performance and liquidity position in order to ascertain the safety and soundness of a particular financial institutional.
In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Review Examiner requires:
  • Knowledge of methods and techniques of organizational planning, managerial decision making and supervision.
  • Knowledge of staff development and training principles, methods and techniques.
  • Skill in analyzing compliance with state and federal laws, rules and regulations and resolving complex technical problems.

Job Requirements

JOB REQUIREMENTS for Review Examiner
Applicants must have education, training and/or experience demonstrating competence in each of the following areas: 
  1. Possession of a Bachelors degree or higher in Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Finance, Business Management, Computer Information Systems or related field.
  2. Three years experience in examining financial institutions.
  3. Six months experience in managing the regulatory function for a financial institution.
  4. Three years experience in enforcing compliance with financial institutions laws, rules, regulations, standards, policies and procedures.
  5. Three years experience in conducting investigations which includes conducting interviews to obtain confidential information, gathering evidence and documenting findings.
  6. Six months experience in making recommendations for continuation or changes to operations, programs, services, policies or procedures based on findings. 
  7. Six months experience in operations management which includes planning, directing, coordinating, controlling and evaluating operations typically through subordinate supervisors.





