
Seed Laboratory Supervisor (#MGAZ03)
$48,734.00 Yearly Min / $60,917.00 Yearly Mid / $73,100.00 Yearly Max

Nature and Scope

Serves as manager of the Seed Testing Laboratory, supervising a staff who are specialists in the fields of seed production, seed testing and grain testing. Seeds are tested for germination and purity. Responsible for analytic work, relating to seed testing and grain testing, of considerable difficulty. Cooperates with Federal Seed Laboratory on interstate violations obtaining data and evidence on interstate shipments. Within the framework of state and federal policies and procedures and such budgetary, staffing or other limitations as may be pre-established, functions with professional independence. Develops own working plans, taking into account seasonal influences and weather or other conditions which may have a bearing on scheduling work. The effectiveness with which the seed and grain testing is planned and carried out is subject to only periodic observation and evaluation, and is appraised in terms of results obtained. Finely honed human relations skills are necessary in eliciting understanding and acceptance, or active support and cooperation in establishing and carrying out a program of high quality seed and grain production.

Essential Functions

Essential functions are fundamental, core functions common to all positions in the class series and are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all job duties for any one position in the class. Since class specifications are descriptive and not restrictive, incumbents can complete job duties of similar kind not specifically listed here.
  • Performs analytic tests for germination, purity of seed; presence of other crop seed, inert matter, weed seed, noxious weed seed; makes varietal identification; effects treatment detection; determines moisture content.
  • Uses and supervises the use of dividers, scales, micro scales, forceps, blower-separators, calculators, dissecting scopes and hand lenses.
  • Uses moisture testing devices including computerized devices; used germination chambers in lab area.
  • Inspects and supervises inspection of field and vegetable seed.
  • Analyzes seeds for purity by microscopic analysis and mechanical separation, using standardized analytical methods.
  • Performs analysis of seeds for germination, determining planting values and seed borne diseases using standardized analytical methods.
  • Identifies weeds and useful plants as well as identification of their seed by microscopic examination. Determines moisture content and weight per bushel of grain.
  • Enforces the State Seed Act and cooperates with federal inspectors in oversight of interstate seed shipments.
  • Inspects, grades and supervises the inspection and grading of corn, soybeans, wheat and barley; trains personnel in grain and seed inspection.
  • Writes reports and estimates needs covering requirements for supplies and supplemental/seasonal personnel.
  • Supervises inspection and clerical support staff.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

The intent of the listed knowledge, skills and abilities is to give a general indication of the core requirements for all positions in the class series; therefore, the KSA’s listed are not exhaustive or necessarily inclusive of the requirements of every position in the class.

  • Knowledge of seed and grain analysis.
  • Knowledge of seed and grain inspection and the use of related laboratory devices.
  • Knowledge of supervision methods.
  • Knowledge of relevant laws, rules and regulations.
  • Knowledge of insects, diseases and weeds which affect seed and grain crops.
  • Knowledge of uses of laboratory equipment used in purity and germination tests.
  • Knowledge of effective means of oral and written communication.
  • Skill in operating analytical instruments sufficient to perform seed and grain testing.
  • Ability to learn and apply the methods and techniques of seed analysis; agronomics.
  • Ability to inspect production fields for off-type varieties of grain and for insects, diseases and weeds which may affect the quality and values of seed crops.
  • Ability to evaluate inspection results and make recommendations regarding the quality and value of seed crops.
  • Ability to identify the need for and to determine appropriate control measures.
  • Ability to supervise seasonal staff who work as grain inspectors.
  • Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing with seed company managers, seed growers and managers of grain companies.
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with seed company managers, seed growers and managers of grain companies.
  • Ability to prepare reports and maintain accurate records.

Job Requirements

JOB REQUIREMENTS for Seed Laboratory Supervisor
Applicants must have education, training and/or experience demonstrating competence in each of the following areas:

  1. Possession of a Bachelors degree or higher in Plant Science, Agriculture, Biology, Genetics or related field.  
  2. Three years experience in using laboratory equipment and instrumentation including calibration and maintenance. 
  3. Three years experience in conducting seed testing.
  4. Six months experience in conducting data review to ensure numerical input, calculations, formulas and interpretation of output is accurate, instruments were operating according to specifications, analytical procedures were followed and documentation is complete.
  5. Six months experience in selecting and modifying laboratory test methods and procedures.
  6. Knowledge of staff supervision acquired through course work, academic training, training provided through an employer, or performing as a lead worker overseeing the work of others; OR supervising staff which may include planning, assigning, reviewing, and evaluating the work of others; OR supervising through subordinate supervisors a group of professional, technical, and clerical employees.
  7. Possession of a valid Driver's License (not suspended, revoked or cancelled, or disqualified from driving). 
