
Forester (#MGCF01)
$45,798.00 Yearly Min / $57,248.00 Yearly Mid / $68,698.00 Yearly Max

Senior Forester (#MGCF02)
$51,858.00 Yearly Min / $64,822.00 Yearly Mid / $77,786.00 Yearly Max

Regional Forester (#MGCF03)
$58,719.00 Yearly Min / $73,399.00 Yearly Mid / $88,079.00 Yearly Max

Assistant Forestry Administrator (#MGCF04)
$58,719.00 Yearly Min / $73,399.00 Yearly Mid / $88,079.00 Yearly Max

Forestry Administrator (#MGCF05)
$66,489.00 Yearly Min / $83,111.00 Yearly Mid / $99,733.00 Yearly Max

Description of Occupational Work

This class series uses five levels in the Agriculture, Natural Resources and Sciences occupational Group, Natural Resources occupational series and describes work in the areas of forest conversation, forest protection and forest education. Forest conservation helps private landowners and communities to better manage forest resources through expert forestry consultation regarding activities such as reforestation, timber stand improvement, forest management plans, and timber harvests. Forest protection involves monitoring and improving the health of forests through wildfire prevention and suppression, forest health monitoring and forest watershed protection. Forest education includes but is not limited to school, civic and other organization programs and educating landowners and loggers to ensure forest management activities follow Best Management Practices and comply with erosion and sediment laws. The forest service manages the State of Delaware forests for a variety of objectives including timber production, wildlife habitat enhancement, forest management demonstration and recreational opportunities.

Essential Functions

Essential functions are fundamental, core functions common to all positions in the class series and are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all job duties for any one position in the class. Since class specifications are descriptive and not restrictive, incumbents can complete job duties of similar kind not specifically listed here.
  • Provides expert consulting services on wildlife management, urban tree programs, economic aspects of woodland ownership and watershed management.
  • Inventories forest resources, identifies trees, predicts growth and marks trees for cutting.
  • Assists in the sale of timber, provides landowners with contractor bid lists, writes proposed contracts and oversees the work of successful contractors.
  • Identifies types of insect infestations, tree diseases and recommends treatments.
  • Identifies causes of poor soil, tree malnutrition and recommends treatments.
  • Presents lectures, workshops, exhibits and slide shows to schools, civic and other organizations.
  • Assists in fighting forest fires and operates specialty fire fighting equipment.
  • Writes technical reports and articles.

Levels of Work


This level provides expert advice on woodland, wildlife, tree planting and/or watershed management.

  • Performs the full range of essential functions.
  • On a countywide basis, develops plans for privately owned forests or on a statewide basis for watershed management.
  • On a statewide basis, provides specialized consulting services on the design and implementation of urban tree programs, wildlife management or the economic aspects of woodland ownership.

Senior Forester

This level provides specialized services and advice to the public and private sectors on assigned forestry program area on a statewide basis.

  • Provides technical assistance to city, county and state planning personnel, non-profit groups, corporations, developers, contractors and individuals on specialized program and projects in assigned forestry area.
  • Coordinates and oversees the allocation of state and/or federal grant and other monies to cities, towns, communities, landowners, and other appropriate groups for specific projects. Monitors progress and confirms completion of projects to ensure all program or contract requirements are met.
  • Works with planning officials to promote sound utilization and preservation of forest resources.
  • Identifies statewide issues involving assigned area and develops annual goals and objectives to address issues.
  • Participates in the implementation of program action plans to include assisting in budget allocations and serves as liaison between the DDA Forest Service and councils, advisory committees, and others to develop statewide initiatives.

Regional Forester

This level is responsible for supervising forestry field operations.

  • Monitors and evaluates regional state forest programs and cooperative forest management programs.
  • Recommends operational changes and program and policy revisions.
  • Supervision is exercised over at least two or more merit full time positions in this class series. The elements of supervision include planning, assigning, reviewing, evaluating, coaching, training, recommending hire/fire and discipline.
  • Coordinates staff activities for statewide programs.
  • Administers regional budget by establishing spending priorities, monitoring expenditures and participating in the development and justification of the forestry budget.
  • Provides technical assistance and consultative services to forestry professionals and private forest landowners.
  • Assesses forest conditions and develops and recommends long-range forest management plans.
  • Develops, prepares and submits grant proposals for review and approval. Administers grant funds. Monitors and evaluates grant expenditures. Prepares required documents and reports.

Assistant Forestry Administrator

This level assists the Forestry Administrator in planning, developing, implementing, managing and administering multiple and diverse segments of forestry programs.

  • Assists the Forestry Administrator in the development of state forest plans. Maintains forestry operations in absence of Forestry Administrator.
  • Assists in developing and managing forestry budgets. Performs needs analysis and determines funding strategies.
  • Prioritizes proposed expenditures.
  • Assists with the writing and submission of federal grant proposals. Administers programs/contracts associated with grants. Provides financial management function for grants and contracts.
  • Serves as State Forest Fire Supervisor. Coordinates efforts at the state and federal level to efficiently manage wildland fire incidents and wildland fire programs. Provides wildland fire training to subordinates, other agency personnel, and volunteer firefighters for national fire responses, and coordinates fire response teams for Delaware.
  • Oversees all department land acquisition activities. Negotiates with landowners and prepares contracts. Administers the Forest Legacy program to secure federal funding for land and easement acquisition.
  • Administers leases involving department lands and dwelling. Identifies needs for, and pursues funding for, capital improvements.
  • Prepares a variety of plans, reports and summaries including the State Forest Resource Plan and the State Fire Plan.
  • Assists in the development of legislation to protect forest resources in Delaware. Reviews and comments on legislative proposals that could affect private and public forest operations.
  • Supervises forestry programs and/or activities.

Forestry Administrator

This level plans, develops, implements and administers plans, programs, policies, and procedures for Delaware's forestland statewide.

  • Manages, through subordinate supervisors, professional, technical and administrative support staff.
  • Develops and oversees the implementation of the overall forestland management plan and wild land fire plan for the State. Establishes statewide program priorities and direction. Formulates long range goals and objectives and develops policies and procedures.
  • Develops, justifies, administers and controls Forestry's operating and capital budget. Prepares federal grant proposals and administers grants, contracts and conservation easements for privately owned forest lands.
  • Represents Delaware on the local, state, regional, national and international level to gain support, coordinate activities, and achieve mutual goals and objectives.
  • Drafts legislation to protect forest resources in Delaware. Reviews and comments on proposed Federal and State legislation.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

The intent of the listed knowledge, skills and abilities is to give a general indication of the core requirements for all positions in the class series; therefore, the KSA's listed are not exhaustive or necessarily inclusive of the requirements of every position in the class.

  • Knowledge of dendrology.
  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of forest land planning and management.
  • Knowledge of the State's topography.
  • Knowledge of the types and locations of the State's soils.
  • Knowledge of the commercial and recreational aspects of forestry.
  • Knowledge of the techniques in combating forest fires.
  • Knowledge of the methods of harvesting timber.
  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of reforestation.
  • Knowledge of tree diseases and insect infestations and the methods of control.
  • Knowledge of the equipment used in determining tree size and forest acreage.
  • Skill in report writing and the composition of technical articles.
  • Skill in making effective presentations and on giving lectures.
  • Skill in fighting forest fires.
  • Skill in developing management plans for forests.
  • Ability to collect, analyze, interpret and report on data from a variety of sources and make sound conclusions.
  • Ability to determine the volume of standing timber through measurements, visual inspections and statistical calculations.
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective relationships.

In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Senior Forester requires:

  • Knowledge of specialized principles, methods and techniques of assigned program area.
  • Knowledge of administration and organization.
  • Ability to draft ordinances, legislation, plans and other related documents.
  • Ability to coordinate activities between groups with competing objectives.
  • Ability to present technical information effectively.

In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Regional Forester requires:

  • Knowledge of the rules, regulations and laws concerning forestry.
  • Knowledge of State and Federal budget rules, regulations, policies and procedures.
  • Knowledge of the principles and techniques of forest management.
  • Knowledge of the techniques used in writing successful grant proposals.
  • Knowledge of the methods used in timber harvesting and sales.
  • Skill in training and supervising employees.
  • Skill in effective communication.
  • Ability to establish program goals and objectives.
  • Ability to plan, organize and integrate program resources.
  • Ability to manage the state's forest and tillable lands.
  • Ability to schedule and direct the work of subordinates.
  • Ability to prepare concise and informative reports.
  • Ability to supervise personnel and programs.
  • Ability to collect the data, coordinate and assist in budget preparation.

In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Assistant Forestry Administrator requires:

  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of forest program planning
  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of grants management.
  • Knowledge of budget preparation and monitoring.
  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of leasing land and dwellings.
  • Knowledge of the techniques of forest fire prevention, suppression and control.
  • Ability to evaluate data and make effective recommendations.
  • Ability to prepare successful grant and contract proposals.
  • Ability to make successful presentations.

In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Forestry Administrator requires:

  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of ecology.
  • Knowledge of applicable local, state, federal and international laws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures.
  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of supervision and administration.
  • Knowledge of budget preparation, analysis and control.
  • Knowledge of grant and contract administration.
  • Knowledge of the State's topography, water resources and wildlife resources.
  • Knowledge of soil and water conservation management principles and techniques.
  • Skill in managing and integrating programs and personnel.
  • Ability to interpret statistical data and make sound conclusions.

Job Requirements

JOB REQUIREMENTS for Forestry Administrator 
Applicants must have education, training and/or experience demonstrating competence in each of the following areas:
  1. Possession of a Bachelors degree or higher in Forestry, Natural Resources or related.
  2. Three years experience in forest management including dendrology, forest fire behavior and control, forest mensuration, timber harvesting, forest management plans, and using tools and equipment such as prisms, clinometers and increment borers.
  3. Three years experience in preventing, controlling and diagnosing tree insects and diseases.
  4. Six months experience in budget administration which includes managing, developing, analyzing and implementing budgets; developing strategic plans and establishing internal control. 
  5. Six months experience in program administration such as overseeing and directing the development, implementation and evaluation of programs and services; planning and establishing short and long range program goals and objectives. Providing advice to other agency organizational units through consultation.
  6. Six months experience in grant administration which includes managing and controlling grant expenditures and writing grant applications.
  7. Six months experience in operations management which includes planning, directing, coordinating, controlling and evaluating operations typically through subordinate supervisors.  
  8. Possession of a valid Driver's License (not suspended, revoked or cancelled, or disqualified from driving). 




