Recruitment Status:
Court Security Officer I - 080824-J65325-20600

Job Title Court Security Officer I
Job Number 080824-J65325-20600
Status Closed: The Filing Deadline has Passed
Comments On September 11, 2024, notices were sent to all applicants who applied for the Court Security Officer I position, Recruitment Number: 080824-J65325-20600, notifying them as to whether or not they had met the job requirements of the position. Interviews are tentatively scheduled to take place in September 2024. Please continue to check the Status Board for updated information concerning this position.
Deadline 09/10/24 11:59 PM
Proposed Recruiting Selection Plan We are updating all of our records to provide you with the most up-to-date status information on your recruitment. Please check back later to view updated information.
Type Full Time