Click on the Application Profile link in the "Employment Profile" section.
At the bottom of the screen, click the "Apply Online" button.
At the bottom of the screen, check the "I agree with the terms of use" box and click the "New User" button.
Complete the New User Registration page and click the "Submit Registration" button at the bottom of the screen.
You will then be asked to complete the Application Profile.
You may exit the application and come back to it later by clicking on the Exit tab at the top of the screen.
Create an Application Profile
On the main Job Openings page, click on the Application Profile link in the "Employment Profile" section.
At the bottom of the screen, click the "Apply Online" button.
At the bottom of the screen, check the "I agree with the terms of use" box and click the "I have REGISTERED PREVIOUSLY" button.
Sign in to your account (or see 'How do I establish an account?').
You may complete the application in any order by clicking on the tabs at the top of the application.
All data is saved as you move from part to part by clicking on the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom of each page.
You may exit the application and come back to it later by clicking on the Exit tab at the top of the screen.
Apply for a Job Opening
Option 1: I already have an Application Profile.
Choose and click on the bulletin job title or recruitment number on the main Job Openings page.
Read the bulletin and click the "Apply Online" button.
Agree to the Terms of Use and click the "I have REGISTERED PREVIOUSLY" button.
Sign in to your account.
Choose and click on the job title for the Application Profile or a previously completed application to copy into your new application.
At the top of the page, you should see the current position for which you are applying.
The new application will now open to allow you to modify the information.
Complete and/or edit each sub-tab within the application.
Click "Save and Continue" after each page.
Once you have clicked "Save and Continue" this portion of the application has been saved.
Very Important: If you want to come back to the application for a job to make changes before the closing date, you MUST click the exit tab. Once you click and complete the Submit tab, you cannot edit your application for the job.
Click on the Send tab to "Send to Civil Service Board" after completing your application.
Option 2: I do not already have an Application Profile
See "How do I create an Application Profile?"
Then, return to the instructions for "How do I apply for a job opening? Option 1."
Sign Up to Receive a Notice Job Notifications
Click on the Notify Me of New Jobs tab.
Search the list of utilized job titles.
Click on a job that interests you.
If you decide that you wish to be notified, click on "Email Me when a Job Opens for the above position(s)."
Enter a valid email address and subscribe.
Remember to register for a new notice if you have a change of email address.
Update My Application Profile
Click on the "My Application Profile" tab.
Sign in to your account.
Scroll down to the Application Template bar.
Click on the Application Profile name below the bar.
Click on the tab that you want to update.
Make your changes and click "Save and Continue" at the bottom of the page.
When all updates are made and saved, you may exit the Application Profile by clicking on the Exit tab at the top of the screen.
Update a Submitted Application
Once you have completed the Send tab of your application and submit it, you CANNOT alter your applications.
It is suggested that you save your information and use the Exit tab until you are ready to submit your application.
Don't forget to submit your application before the closing deadline.
Update or Change My Contact Information
Click on the "My Application Profile" tab.
Near the bottom of the page, click on the "Update My Contact Information" link.
Sign in to your account.
Make any changes to your name, username, password, mailing address, email address, or phone numbers as needed, and click the "Update Contact Information" button.
Review a summary of the updated information.
Click the "Confirm/Above Info is Correct" button if the changes are correct.
Or click the "Back/Above Info is NOT Correct" if you need to move back to the prior screen to make corrections.
After clicking "Confirm," you will see a message confirming your information was updated for all of your existing applications and a list of those applications.
Note: You may also update your name, email, phone numbers, and mailing address by changing this information in your Application Profile.
Update your contact information on the Profile tab.
Print a Copy of My Application
Click on the "My Application Profile" tab.
Sign in to your account.
Scroll down to the application that you want to print and click on it.
Use the Review tab to print a copy of your application.
Update or Change My Resume
Click on the "My Application Profile" tab.
Sign in to your account.
Scroll down to the Application Template bar.
Click on the Application Profile name below the bar.
Click on the Resume tab.
At the bottom of the page, click Clear Resume to erase your resume text and/or file.
Change the information in the resume box and/or upload a new resume. Please Note: Text typed directly into the Resume box will copy from your Application Profile into a new application; however a resume file will not copy over. You will need to upload and attach a resume file when you create a new application.
Note: Resumes are accepted for all positions but are not required.
Create an Email Address
If you do not have an email address, you can create a free email account on many sites such as, or