Indicate in the box below the total number of flight hours and the last date flown in the AW/139.
Indicate in the box below the total number of flight hours and the last date flown in a multi-engine helicopter.
Indicate in the box below the total number of flight hours and the last date flown in a turbine helicopter.
Indicate in the box below the total number of flight hours and the last date flown in a piston helicopter.
Please list the total hours of helicopter pilot flight time experience.
How much of helicopter flight time experience is as Second-In-Command (SIC)?
How much of the helicopter flight time experience is as Pilot-In-Command (PIC)?
How many helicopter flight hours do you possess in simulated (full motion or under the hood) instrument conditions?
How many helicopter flight hours do you possess in actual instrument conditions?
How much of your total helicopter pilot flight time was spent in a multi-pilot operating environment?
Place a check mark in the box next to any relevant work experience or training certification(s).
Place a check mark next to any of the following Federal Aviation Administration certifications that you may possess.
If certified, please list type of certification(s).
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