Adult Basic Education (ABE) Teacher
Recruitment #24-005897-0016
Department | LABOR Workforce Dev - Adult Corrections Program |
Date Opened | 10/9/2024 1:56:00 PM |
Filing Deadline | 10/23/2024 11:59:00 PM |
Salary | $81,522.00 - $143,923.00/year |
Employment Type |
HR Analyst | Brittany Small |
Work Location |
Maryland Department of Labor Division of Workforce Development and Adult
Learning is accepting applications from qualified applicants for the position
to build an applicant pool for current and anticipated position vacancies. This
is a professional position responsible for providing teaching and learning to
residents of a correctional facility. This is an agency-specific recruitment
for this specific classification and function only with the MD Department of
This position could be placed in any classification within the Teacher Series. Salary and exact classification will be determined following an assessment of the selected candidate's education and MSDE Certification using the IEPP Salary Scale.
Maryland Correctional Institute for Women (MCI-W)
7943 House of Corrections Road
Jessup, MD 20794
Main Purpose of Job
- Provide academic instruction in a variety of methods including whole group, small group, and individualized instruction consistent with the approved curriculm, whichresults in their progress toward successful completion of the requirements for the Adult Skills Certificates and/or a Maryland High School diploma.
- Plan and organize time in advance to provide effective instruction.
- Use information informal and formal assessment tools to provide a reliable and valid appraisal of student skills and achievement.
- Maintain and submit program and instructional records in an accurate and timely manner.
- Create a physical interpersonal climate that is conducive to learning.
Education: Possession of appropriate educational credentials as determined by the Maryland State Board of Education.
Experience: None.
All candidates are subject to a background check against files maintained by the Division of Unemployment Insurance (MDOL/DUI) to determine whether any monies are owed to MDOL/DUI as a result of an unemployment insurance overpayment and/or fraud. Any unpaid debt may have an impact on whether or not a candidate is offered employment.
This position has been designated by the appointing authority as sensitive in nature. Employees in this position are subject to Substance Abuse Testing in accordance with Code of Maryland Regulation
17.04.09, Testing for Illegal Use of Drugs. All potential applicants shall be screened for security purposes prior to being offered a position. This screening is a routine procedure for all employees required to work in State Correctional Institutions and shall consist of fingerprinting and background investigation by the CJIS-Central Repository. Proof of eligibility to work in compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act is required. MDOL’s Correctional Education Program operates in Maryland State correctional facilities in partnership with the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS).
As an employee of this Program, you must strictly adhere to the DPSCS’s Standards of Conduct and Internal Administrative Disciplinary Process. Any violation of those standards may subject you to DPSCS disciplinary measures, including the barring of your entry from State correctional facilities. Should this occur, MDOL may then remove you from your position and, if there are no comparable positions available for which you are qualified and from which you have not been barred, your employment may be terminated.
Please make sure that you provide sufficient information on your application to show that you meet the qualifications for this recruitment. All information concerning your qualifications must be submitted by the closing date. We will not consider information submitted after this date. Successful candidates will be ranked as Best Qualified, Better Qualified, or Qualified and placed on the eligible (employment) list for at least one year.
Resumes are acceptable as additional information; however, the application must be completed or it will be subject to rejection.
All information concerning the qualifications, including any required documentation (diploma, transcript, certificate, etc.) must be submitted and received by the closing date. Information submitted after this date will not be considered.
For positions that require Bachelor/Master Degree etc:
Educational credentials from foreign countries must be evaluated by an approved education review service. This evaluation must be submitted prior to hire. For further information, you may call International Consultants of Delaware, Inc. (302) 737-8715 or World Education Services Inc. 1-800-932-3897 or (202) 331-2925.
The online application is STRONGLY preferred. However, if you are unable to apply online, or encounter difficulty attaching required or optional documentation, you may submit via mail or deliver in person. Please be sure to include your name, identification number (Easy ID#) and job announcement number on any documentation to ensure timely processing.
Completed applications, required documentation, and any required addendums may be mailed to:
Department of Labor Office of Human Resources
Attn: Brittany Small 24-005897-0016
1100 N. Eutaw Street, Rm. 101
Baltimore, MD 21201
For additional information, please contact Brittany Small at Brittany.small@maryland.gov.
The MD State Application Form can be found online
Department of Labor is an equal opportunity employer. It is the policy of Department of Labor that all persons have equal opportunity and access to employment opportunities, services, and facilities without regard to race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, disability or veteran status.