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SUSTA Intern

International Marketing Program

Recruitment #25-005734-0011


Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) logo | U.S. Geological Survey
Looking For a Paid Internship?

The Maryland Department of Agriculture International Marketing Program is seeking a paid intern to help promote programs offered through the Southern United States Trade Association (SUSTA) that help Maryland agricultural and seafood businesses sell their products in international markets.


 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD, 21401

Main Purpose of Job

The Maryland Department of Agriculture International Marketing Program is seeking an intern to help promote programs offered through the Southern United States Trade Association (SUSTA) that help Maryland agricultural and seafood businesses sell their products in international markets.


Work will include learning about the international marketing programs at MDA, SUSTA U.S. Department of Agriculture and other state agencies.

The main goal of this position is to increase company participation in SUSTA trade missions and international trade shows.

Position activities include, among others:
  1. Recruiting ag and seafood companies for trade shows and missions
  2. Research
  3. Outreach to companies on international marketing opportunities
  4. Other efforts assisting companies in activities related to the USDA’s Foreign Agriculture Service/SUSTA Market Access Program. 
This position is for 3 to 5 days a week, with virtual assignments possible.


Applicants must be currently enrolled in coursework for a collegiate degree and be in good standing with their school.


Collegiate coursework in marketing, business, agriculture, agricultural economics or related fields


To apply, submit the following documents by email to the Director of International Marketing: Stone Slade, Documents received after the filing deadline will not be considered.

  1. A Resume demonstrating academic achievement, including GPA, work experience, and extracurricular activities.
  2. A Letter of Recommendation from a current teacher/professor; 
  3. A Cover letter (1-2 pages)  
If you have any questions or comments, email or call (410) 841-5770.


If you are having difficulty with your JobAps user account, need to make adjustments to a submitted application or have general questions about the online application system, please contact the MD Department of Budget and Management at ; ATTN: Recruitment and Examination Division

Inquiries regarding this internship can be directed to Stone Slade at

TTY Users: call via Maryland Relay

Candidates with disabilities and bilingual candidates are encouraged to apply. We thank our Veterans for their service to our country, and encourage them to apply. As an equal opportunity employer, Maryland is committed to recruiting, retaining and promoting employees who are reflective of the State’s diversity.

Click on a link below to apply for this position:

Fill out the Application NOW using the Internet. Apply Online
Apply via Paper Application. You may also download and complete the Paper Application here.

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