. Paper applications are no longer accepted. Completed applications will be accepted online until 11:59 p.m. on the closing date. If there is no closing date, the announcement may be closed at any time without prior notice.
Purpose of examination
The purpose of the exam is to establish an employment register to fill any vacancies for the classification that may occur over the life of the register. If there are less than five qualified applicants, an examination will not be administered. All candidates will be placed on the employment list.
Examination dates
All exercises of the selection procedure for the classification are scheduled for March 13th and 14th, 2025 at Station #5. Qualified candidates who apply to compete in the selection process will be notified in writing of specific dates, times, and locations at which to appear for the selection process.
Examination orientation
An orientation session will be held to familiarize candidates with the examination. All qualifying candidates will have the opportunity to attend this session. The sessions will be held on March 5 or March 6, 2025 at 10 A.M. at the Montgomery Personnel Board office, located on 27 Madison Avenue. The orientation session is not mandatory. A candidate orientation guide will be distributed at the meeting. If you do not attend the orientation, you may obtain a guide after the date of the orientation at the front desk of the Montgomery Personnel Board office.
Examination description
The Fire Sergeant Exam is a two-part process in which eligible candidates will:
1) answer multiple-choice Written Exam questions regarding required job knowledge and
2) participate in several Work Sample (skills) exercises resembling skills in which they may be called upon to perform in emergency situations.
Candidates are observed and evaluated in these situations or simulation exercises by trained assessors in a fair and impartial fashion.
Performance dimensions
The Fire Sergeant Exam is based on a thorough job analysis which identifies the important work behaviors and associated knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) required of a Sergeant in Montgomery Fire Rescue.
These KSAs were clustered into two performance or assessment dimensions: 1) Operations Knowledge and 2) Operations Skill.
Disqualification from competition
The Montgomery Personnel Board and/or expert shall disqualify an applicant or candidate from competition upon determination that:
1. The application was not received by the filing deadline.
2. The applicant fails to meet the minimum qualifications specified in the announcement.
3. The candidate fails to appear at the announced time and place for testing.
4. The candidate is found to be cheating.
Cheating involves any attempt by an individual or group to enhance test scores by means other than actual knowledge or ability, including but not limited to, efforts to give or receive information about the test content or correct responses before, after or during a test.
Examples of cheating during a test would be:
a) attempting to gain access to the test under false pretenses
b) failing to follow instructions given by the test administrators or proctors
c) talking to another candidate during the test
d) removing or attempting to remove test materials from the test site
e) leaving the testing room, holding room, or other location without permission from the test administrator
f) attempting to use notes, hand held computers or calculators when instructed not to
g) looking at another's test paper or answer sheet
h) working on a test section after time has been called
i) giving or receiving test information to or from another person
The Montgomery Personnel Board may not exercise discretion in waiving these requirements for qualification except as may be required by law in connection with military personnel called to active duty.
The Montgomery Personnel Board will provide written notification of the disqualification and the reason for disqualification to the applicant or candidate within five (5) days from the determination of the disqualifying circumstance.