Application Instructions for Child Support Attorney - Senior
Please fill out the application completely.
This application may be used to apply for one position only. Submit a separate application for each position.
All questions MUST be answered completely and accurately; you may be disqualified for omitting information.
This application is part of the examination process. The information you furnish will be used to determine your qualifications. Please fill out the application completely so that you will receive full credit for your related education and experience. You may be required to submit additional proof of qualifications if sufficient information is not provided.
Applicants must meet all qualifications for the classification by the final filing date unless otherwise specified on the Job announcement.
Resumes may be submitted as an attachment to your application but will NOT be accepted in lieu of any part of the standard or supplemental applications; do NOT write see resume as a response to any application questions.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the online application has been completed and sent to the Placer County Human Resources Department by the final filing date indicated on the job announcement. Late applications will not be accepted.
The Placer County Human Resources Department and the developers of the Placer County online employment application system (JOBS) are not responsible or in any way liable for any computer hardware or software malfunction which may affect your employment application or the applicant selection process.
Partial or completed applications are accessible to the Placer County Human Resources Department before and after submission.
Your Responsibilities as the Applicant
Create a user account
Before sending your application to Placer County in the SEND part, it is your responsibility to
ensure the correctness of all information submitted in the applications and any required forms and to print out a copy of your application
materials in the REVIEW part for your records.
You are required to provide a valid email address and to check to be sure that you receive an email confirming
that your application was sent to Placer County. This email is sent immediately upon receipt of your application by Placer County. You should receive
this confirmation within one day after clicking the 'Send' button.
If you do not receive the confirmation email, it is your responsibility to contact
Placer County. If you fail to do so,
your application may not be considered for the opening for which you have applied.
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