
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” ― Simon Sinek
The County of Santa Cruz seeks a dynamic and innovative Personnel Director to lead an energized and mission-driven personnel team to greater heights. We are dedicated to delivering quality, results-driven, fiscally responsible services that strengthen our community and enhance opportunity. In this role, we offer the opportunity for an experienced and confident leader to live and work in beautiful Santa Cruz, California.
To view the full job announcement click here: Personnel Director
Vacation - 16 days per year, increasing to 31 days per year after 15 years service
Administrative Leave - One week advanced upon appointment; two weeks accrued each year; can be taken in cash or time off
Holidays - 13 paid holidays per year
Sick Leave - 6 days per year
Bereavement Leave - 3 days paid in California, 5 days paid out-of-state
Medical Plan - The County contracts with CalPERS for a variety of health plans. For most plans, County contributions pay a majority of the premiums for employees and dependents.
Dental Plan - County pays for employee and eligible dependent coverage
Vision Plan - County pays for employee coverage. Employee may purchase eligible dependent coverage.
Retirement and Social Security - Pension formula 2% at age 60 or 2% at age 62 as determined based on provisions of the CA Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013(PEPRA). Pension benefit determined by final average compensation of three years. County participates in Social Security.
Life Insurance - County paid $100,000 term policy. Employees may purchase additional life insurance.
Long Term Disability Plan - Plan pays 66 2/3% of the first $13,500, up to $9,000 per month maximum
Dependent- Care Plan - Employees who pay for qualifying child or dependent care expenses may elect this pre-tax program
H-Care Plan - Employees who pay a County medical premium share of cost may elect this pre-tax program
Health Care Flexible Spending Allowance (HCFSA) - Employees may elect this pre-tax program to cover qualifying health care expenses
Deferred Compensation - A deferred compensation plan is available to employees