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Santa Cruz County Personnel Department

Supplemental Questionnaire

Last Name First Name



The supplemental question is designed specifically for this recruitment. Applications received without the required supplemental information will be screened out of the selection process.

Applications must include proof of a valid and recent (issued within one year) California Police Officer Standards and Training (POST) T-score -OR- completed the National Testing Network (NTN) Frontline Law Enforcement Written Examination within one year (Passing scores accepted for this exam are Video-65% or higher; Reading-70% or higher; and Writing-70% or higher) in order to move to next step.  The T-score results must be on an agency letterhead where the test was administered, test date and test results. NTN results can be verified by county.




Do you possess a valid T-Score of 46 or higher?






To submit proof of your T-score you may 1) email a copy to:  or 2) fax it to (831) 454-2240 or mail or bring a copy to County of Santa Cruz Personnel Department 701 Ocean Street, Room 510, Santa Cruz, CA  95060.


Did you complete and pass the National Testing Network (NTN) Frontline Law Enforcement Written Examination within one year (Passing scores accepted for this exam are Video-65% or higher; Reading-70% or higher; and Writing-70% or higher)?




If we are unable to verify completion of NTN examination, we will request verification.

To obtain information on testing dates, times and locations regarding the POST written examination go to the South Bay Regional Public Safety Training website at

To obtain information on testing dates, times and locations regarding the NTN written examination go to the National Testing Network website at