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Santa Cruz County Personnel Department

Supplemental Questionnaire

Last Name First Name



The supplemental questions are designed specifically for this recruitment. A response to these questions must accompany the regular application to be considered for this position. Applications received without the required supplemental information will be screened out of the selection process.

 NOTE: Please answer the question(s) below as completely and thoroughly as possible, as your answer(s) may be used to assess your qualifications for movement to the next step in the recruitment process.


Describe your training, education and experience conducting psychotherapy, psychological testing and clinical assessment of children, youth and families. For employment experiences, please specify the employer and the length of time in each function.


Describe your training, education and experience conducting psychotherapy, psychological testing and clinical assessment of adults and older adults. For employment experiences, please specify the employer and the length of time in each function.


Please submit any required certification(s) in one of the following ways:

Upload online with your application (OTHER Tab)
fax: 831-454-2411
hand deliver or mail: 701 Ocean Street, Room 510, Santa Cruz, CA 95060