Official SealSan Joaquin County Human Resources Division

Supplemental Questionnaire

Last Name
First Name

Did you graduate from an accredited four-year college or university, preferably with a major in public or business administration, industrial psychology, social science, or another area that included coursework in human resources or labor relations.


Yes No

If you answered yes, please provide the following information (If “no”, please make sure the clearly note how many semester/quarterly units of college you have completed in the education section of your employment application):

  • Degree Major
  • College/University attended

Provide, in detail, Either one (1) year performing professional collective bargaining, negotiations, and employee/labor relations work; OR one (1) year performing professional personnel work that included participation in employee/labor relations activities such as employee discipline, complaint investigations, or other activities that required interfacing with union representatives.



Do you possess a valid California driver’s license?

Yes No