$31.26-$46.78 Hourly / $5,418.40-$8,108.53 Monthly / $65,020.80-$97,302.40 Yearly
Promotes and implements programs and procedures to overcome barriers to effective W/MBE and SBE participation; collects, compiles, sorts, and categorizes information needed for studies and projects; performs research and analysis of statistical data for Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity compliance reviews and makes recommendations on findings.
Performs intake investigations and processes information of discrimination in contracting and procurement procedures.
Conducts pre-bid/proposal construction conferences in order to facilitate process, exchange information, make reservations, etc.; makes periodic visits to locations to determine adherence to procedures, solves problems; maintains ongoing monitoring of contracts to ensure compliance with city regulations or requirements.
Identifies potential data sources to determine availability and location of needed information; analyzes collected data using computer based systems and verifies accuracy; identifies trends and other indicators present in collected information.
Assists in the preparation of correspondence; coordinates special requests and ensures that appropriate follow through action is taken; develops and prepares brochures and booklets on different facets of EEO programs for distribution and use in training programs.
Reviews federal, state and local laws, regulations and ordinances relating to W/MBE compliance programs; maintains and updates associated files and logs; conducts compliance audits and assists in mediation and conciliation of complaints; interviews business owners subject to compliance with the city’s program; provides information to the public concerning programs and activities.
Conducts orientations, basic training, and specific project training in order to bring employees or the public up-to-date.
Performs related work as required.
Working knowledge of: Affirmative Action and EEOC laws; City of Tampa’s W/MBE and SBE rules, policies, and regulations; municipal procurement practices; data processing applications; methods and techniques of data compilation, analysis and documentation; data sources; research, survey and interview methods and techniques.
Ability to: understand related W/MBE systems and procedures; effectively utilize computers; modify data programs as needed to effectively process information; review contract agreements to ensure compliance with requirements; effectively communicate with persons of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds; collect, assimilate, analyze, and document data; perform basic statistical and other computational tasks; prepare oral and/or written reports and impart them effectively; establish and maintain effective working relationships with others.