$49.62-$77.72 Hourly / $8,600.80-$13,471.47 Monthly / $103,209.60-$161,657.60 Yearly
Coordinates and participates in studies for land development regulations as required by amendments to the city comprehensive plan or other code changes; establishes policies for land development coordination including regulations dealing with such areas as subdivisions, rights-of-way, and zoning.
Coordinates and participates in Developments of Regional Impact (DRI) activities, including annual reports, development agreements, development order conditions, review of proposed changes, and DRI amendments.
Coordinates and participates in the Sustainable Communities program assuring compliance with interlocal agreement with Hillsborough County and State Department of Community Affairs.
Establishes, supervises, and prioritizes work for concurrency management; ensures that facilities and services needed to support land development are available concurrent with the impacts of such development; directs work of staff engaged in assimilation, compilation and presentation of data relative to the impact of development plans in such areas as economic development, resource utilization, street and highway construction, parks, recreation and cultural facilities, water and wastewater, etc.
Directs staff in the research, formulation and drafting of zoning, subdivision and land development codes, ordinances, and regulations; prepares recommendations to appropriate municipal officials.
Directs the presentation of land development agenda items to the City Council, including vacations, encroachments, fence agreements, special uses, code appeals, special projects, code changes, etc.; conducts and/or participates in public hearings for variance reviews, special uses, design guidelines, etc.
Serves as liaison with City and County Planning Commissions for comprehensive plan issues with emphasis on land use, coastal zone and historic preservation elements; confers with Legal Department representatives to develop ordinances, resolutions and development agreements; ensures that all reviewing agencies provide proper and complete responses, comply with regulatory provisions applicable to reviews, and respond within allocated time periods; participates in special projects; meets with citizens and development community petitioners to resolve problems related to the development process.
Prepares reports and correspondence; assigns, develops, and evaluates employees; manages unit budget and work processes.
Performs related work as required.
Extensive knowledge of: principles and practices of land use planning and regulation and of city and regional planning.
Considerable knowledge of: federal and state laws and guidelines relating to local government comprehensive planning and land development; methods of collection and analysis of planning data and preparation of planning reports and studies; modern management practices and procedures; municipal administration and organization; modern developments, current literature and sources of information relating to growth management and land development.
Ability to: read and interpret comprehensive legislation, rules, and regulations; plan, assign, direct, and coordinate the work of professional, paraprofessional, technical, and clerical employees in a manner that promotes full performance; write and speak clearly and succinctly in a variety of communication settings; establish and maintain effective working relationships with city officials and employees, developers, representatives of other governmental entities, and the general public; plan, organize, and refine operating procedures; set clear objectives and measures and monitor process, progress, and results.