$35.72-$53.57 Hourly / $6,191.47-$9,285.47 Monthly / $74,297.60-$111,425.60 Yearly
Provides input in the areas of liability and property coverage; analyzes loss frequency and severity and estimates future frequency and severity possibilities; determines the most effective use of internal and external financial resources, including insurance to provide for sufficient funds to meet losses that might occur; develops reports to share data.
Measures risk assessments against insurance costs and makes financial/analytical decisions in order to improve results; designs and implements major changes in insurance programs which will financially benefit the city; monitors insurance programs.
Maintains relationships with departments relating to risk assessment and coverage options; primary liaison for all data submissions for annual insurance renewals.
Researches and analyzes highly technical information which is presented in mathematical/statistical format; assists in reviewing standard operating procedures and manuals.
Reviews major leases and insurance contracts; assists with coordination of risk control efforts.
Participates on the city’s special events committee when evaluating any risks that might affect the city.
Participates in preparation of requests for proposals and bid packages as required to contract for insurance and all related services.
Conducts training workshops/seminars to make others aware of basic insurance and risk concepts.
Attends seminars, conferences, and other professional meetings in order to obtain information on new programs and ideas which might be applicable to city government.
Performs related work as required.
Considerable knowledge of: risk process, insurance and related services; state, federal and other laws or mandates governing the insurance and risk fields.
Working knowledge of: statistical and financial analysis methods; reporting; proper procedures, techniques, and formats for preparation of requests for proposals and bid packages.
Knowledge of: liability and property damage areas of risk management; computer systems and their application to the area of insurance and risk management.
Ability to: analyze and understand highly technical information in mathematical/ statistical format; perform financial analyses and prepare sound recommendations; prepare and present reports in a clear, effective manner orally and/or in writing; measure insurance needs against insurance costs; design, implement, and monitor new insurance/ benefits programs.