$35.72-$53.57 Hourly / $6,191.47-$9,285.47 Monthly / $74,297.60-$111,425.60 Yearly
Schedules and coordinates city-wide events for parks and recreation facilities; maintains a master calendar of events to preclude booking conflicts; prepares and distributes a monthly calendar of events in print and on the web; serves as liaison between event promoters and the city.
Develops and updates operating guidelines and other documents to assist event promoters in organizing activities; keeps abreast of other department and other governmental agencies’ regulations affecting events and keeps promoter apprised of same; maintains website information relevant to special event processes.
Sets up meetings for major events with promoter, city staff, and other affected parties; compiles information specific to each event for disseminating to other affected city departments and other affected parties; continually updates event memos for distribution to keep staff informed of changes as they arise; oversees events to ensure proper completion and resolve problems.
Creates individual event files; keeps accurate records on discussions and communicates with promoters on particular needs and requirements; informs promoter of issues involving street closures, security/police, insurance, etc.; prepares permits, hold-harmless agreements, and event response forms for completion by promoters (and vendors, when applicable); verifies that payments are made and that insurance is received; conducts event follow up by compiling notes on recurring events to create documentation of problems to be avoided in the future.
Serves as manager on duty during an event and is assigned all the decision making power necessary to function in that capacity.
Manages vending activities in parks and recreation facilities.
Performs related work as required.
Considerable knowledge of: applicable city, county and state rules, regulations, procedures, and functions regarding all aspects of event management; effective public information dissemination principles and techniques; effective planning, scheduling and management techniques and procedures; legal requirements of contracts and insurance.
Working knowledge of: standard office practices and procedures including records keeping; methods and techniques used in event promotion; computer operation and website management.
Ability to: maintain accurate records and prepare clear and accurate reports; follow complex oral and written instructions; establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees, officials, event promoters, vendors, and the general public.
Mostly Sedentary, recreation and a combination of working
indoors and outdoors. Requires some use
of computer, typing and viewing a monitor