$39.10-$58.63 Hourly / $6,777.33-$10,162.53 Monthly / $81,328.00-$121,950.40 Yearly
Plans, organizes, schedules, and controls a wide range of activities conducted by city personnel in building maintenance, construction, and renovation activities or in the installation, maintenance and repair of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (hvac), plumbing and electrical systems; directs detailed preventive maintenance programs for buildings and facilities or climate control equipment on a scheduled basis; consults with operating department representatives as requested to determine their needs and the scope of work to be performed; receives work orders; prioritizes and schedules work to be done; checks emergency repair needs and determines what action should be taken.
For building maintenance position: lays out, assigns and supervises activities in the construction of new buildings, additions to and remodeling of existing buildings and facilities involving trade areas such as carpentry, masonry, painting, roofing, plastering, etc.
For climate control position: lays out, assigns and supervises activities in operation, maintenance, repair and upgrading of mechanical, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing and electrical systems.
Inspects work of section personnel and outside contractors, while work is in progress and upon completion, for conformance with approved plans, legal codes and accepted construction standards; standardizes materials to reduce inventory requirements, achieve savings and facilitate repairs; maintains records of time and materials in order to bill departments where appropriate; prepares and reviews bid specifications for new equipment acquisition and modification and for the upgrade of existing equipment and systems.
Evaluates feasibility of proposed projects and reviews safety concerns; consults with department head and others regarding feasibility of proposed renovations and alterations as necessary; estimates time, materials and costs; orders non-inventoried materials consistent with project schedules.
Obtains quotes for contractual services according to plans and specifications for work not to be performed by city staff; inspects work in progress and makes final inspection to ensure all specifications were met on completed work prior to submitting authorization for payment.
Enforces and practices safety for all employees; ensures upkeep and proper use and care of all vehicles, tools and equipment; prepares reports and correspondence; apprises superintendent on unit performance, equipment, employee and training needs.
Performs related work as required.
Extensive knowledge of: methods, practices, procedures, equipment and materials utilized in building maintenance and repair or installation, maintenance and repair of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical and plumbing systems, dependent upon the position assigned.
Considerable knowledge of: basic records keeping and report writing; effective supervisory practices; occupational hazards and appropriate safety precautions.
Ability to: plan, supervise and review a wide variety of assignments associated with the building maintenance and repair trade or heating, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical and plumbing systems; assign, supervise and train subordinate personnel; interpret drawings and blueprints, prepare work specifications and estimate material needs; react quickly, calmly and rationally in emergencies; maintain records and compile clear and concise reports; establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees, contractors and the general public.