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Environmental Scientist III

Recruitment #230612-520300-002

Nature Of Work

An employee in this class has overall responsibility for planning, organizing and coordinating the performance of diversified and specialized biological and chemical studies and research projects of considerable difficulty. These include scientific field and laboratory tests and analyses in connection with the treatment of wastewater and the effects of wastewater effluent on receiving waters. Under direction, the employee is required to exercise considerable initiative and independent judgement in selecting work methods and formulating recommendations for consideration by supervisors and other high level departmental employees. Work is reviewed while in progress and upon completion through conferences, oral and written reports, and results obtained.

Examples of Duties

Has overall responsibility for planning, coordinating and reviewing the performance of a wide variety of technical chemical and biological tests, analyses and examinations relative to the effects of municipal wastewater effluent discharges to receiving waters; conducts departmental research on Tampa Bay and other surface waters in the city service area; develops special techniques to measure biological and chemical effects of pollutants on the Tampa Bay Estuarine System; studies, recommends, modifies, and implements procedures for more efficient and environmentally sound plant operation; interprets analytical data and initiates appropriate action.

Represents the department in the discussions with regulatory agencies, officials and the general public; meets with personnel from such agencies, industries and other municipal departments for the purpose of reporting on scientifically related matters.

Plans work for, oversees and trains professional and technical personnel engaged in complex and specialized chemical and/or biological tests, analyses and research projects; collects, processes and reviews the collection of laboratory, chemical and microbiological samples and performs technical analyses for various specialized projects; directs preparation of reports and submits manuscripts of a scientific nature.

Performs physical and chemical analyses on surface water, wastewater, stormwater, seawater, or groundwater and records results.

Operates as the laboratory quality assurance officer (QAO) with responsibility for the implementation and maintenance of the quality system for the laboratory.

Conducts departmental research on various treatment processes and procedures in order to develop techniques to improve or replace present methods of chemical analysis.

Maintains laboratory records; reviews the performance of quality control checks by lab staff; prepares reports on laboratory procedures and results, including such information as may be required by municipal, state and federal regulatory agencies; meets with personnel from regulatory agencies, industries and municipal departments for purposes of reporting on scientifically related matters and discussing problems encountered.

Performs related work as required.

Knowledge, Skills & Abilities

Extensive knowledge of: the principles, practices, terminology, and procedures used in chemical and/or biological laboratory and field work; state mandated quality systems standards; chemical and/or biological research and analysis techniques, including current literature in fields related to marine science and limnology.

Considerable knowledge of: modern equipment and scientific instruments used in chemical and/or biological studies of water, wastewater and the effects of wastewater effluent on local receiving waters.

Ability to: apply scientific and technical knowledge accurately and with professional judgement in the completion of laboratory tests and examinations; evaluate and maintain records of test results and examinations; prepare and submit accurate and complete reports of laboratory findings both orally and in writing, and for presentation to public officials where required; perform minor adjustments and repairs to laboratory and field instruments and equipment; scuba dive and to operate and maintain a municipal boat and related equipment, as required; perform tasks requiring physical strength and endurance, as required; advise, oversee and train personnel, and establish and maintain effective relationships with other employees, officials and the general public; operate a lightweight motor vehicle.

Skill in: the use and care of laboratory and field instruments and equipment.

Minimum Qualifications

Graduation from an accredited college or university with a bachelor’s degree, preferably a master’s degree, in biology, chemistry, or a related field, with three (3) years of progressively responsible experience in biological or chemical research and laboratory analysis.

Licenses or Certifications

Possession of a valid Florida driver’s license. Appropriate diver’s certification might be required.


Evaluation of education and experience. Drug testing is included in all pre-employment processing.


Employees may be required to work rotating shifts, including nights, weekends, holidays and overtime as needed. During periods when the Mayor issues an emergency declaration for the City of Tampa, all employees may be required to work in preparation, response or recovery activities related to the stated emergency.


HELPFUL HINTS FOR COMPLETING YOUR APPLICATION: Please register before you begin the application process. This will enable you to view and re-use information from previously submitted applications to complete and submit any future applications. Please make certain your application is complete and the information you provide clearly demonstrates that you possess the minimum job qualifications as stated in the job announcement. Resumes can be submitted in support of an application, but not in lieu of an application. Resumes and copies of certifications or other required documents may be attached to your online application.