
Corporations Assistant (#MAAB02)
$31,546.00 Yearly Min / $39,433.00 Yearly Mid / $47,320.00 Yearly Max

Corporations Specialist (#MAAB03)
$38,010.00 Yearly Min / $47,513.00 Yearly Mid / $57,016.00 Yearly Max

Corporations Section Administrator (#MAAB05)
$70,750.00 Yearly Min / $88,438.00 Yearly Mid / $106,126.00 Yearly Max

Corporations Administrator (#MAAB06)
$80,112.00 Yearly Min / $100,140.00 Yearly Mid / $120,168.00 Yearly Max

Corporations Manager (#MAAB07)
$51,858.00 Yearly Min / $64,822.00 Yearly Mid / $77,786.00 Yearly Max

Corporations Senior Specialist (#MABB08)

Description of Occupational Work

This class series uses six levels in the Administrative Services occupational group, Administrative Support occupational series and describes work in processing corporate, Uniform Commercial Code and franchise tax documents in compliance with the Delaware Code and providing assistance to attorneys, registered agents, corporate representatives and the public concerning corporate documents, legal filings, franchise taxes, and corporate fees.

Note: This career ladder series incorporates the Corporations Assistant and Corporations Specialist.  The Corporations Assistant level is to provide entry for hiring new employees into the class series but does not preclude hiring new employees at higher levels.  Employees may be promoted through the career ladder in accordance with job requirements and promotional standards. Promotional standards, a selection document under separate cover, sets forth the criteria that defines and describes the requirements that must be met at each level.  Advancement of employees through the career ladder is dependent on an agency's/department's operational needs and distribution of work.

The Corporations Senior Specialist, Corporations Manager, Corporations Section Administrator, and Corporations Administrator levels, although not part of the career ladder, provide competitive opportunity for movement of employees.

Essential Functions

Essential functions are fundamental, core functions common to all positions in the class series and are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all job duties for any one position in the class. Since class specifications are descriptive and not restrictive, incumbents can complete job duties of similar kind not specifically listed here.

  • Reviews and processes legal corporate and Uniform Commercial Code documents. Conducts research by reviewing Uniform Commercial Code holdings and listings of corporate entities formed in Delaware and corporate documentation on payments and tax liabilities. Determines if legal requirements are met, corrective action is needed and assists clients in taking necessary action to meet legal requirements. 
  • Answers questions from attorneys, corporate officials, registered agents and the general public concerning Uniform Commercial Code and corporate documents, legal filings, franchise taxes, corporate fees and assists in solving problems. 
  • Conducts collection activities for franchise taxes, interest, penalties, corporate and Uniform Commercial Code fees. 
  • Performs mathematical calculations relative to franchise taxes, penalties and interest, corporate and Uniform Commercial Code fees. 
  • Uses the Delaware Corporations Information System (DCIS) and imaging system to obtain information and make entries, changes, verification and corrections required in processing requests for service from clients.

Levels of Work

Corporations Assistant

This is the entry level.

  • Reports to a technical supervisor.
  • Assists Corporation Specialists in all functional areas in examining, approving and processing corporate documents, calculating and collecting franchise taxes & corporate fees, and computing refunds in compliance with applicable corporate laws in the Delaware Code.
  • Acquires basic knowledge of all areas and a more formal understanding of the Delaware General Corporation Law including procedures for legally approving and processing more complicated corporate documents.
  • Performs routine work and seeks technical guidance from higher-level staff for more difficult work or issues.
  • Solves problems in time sensitive situations.

Corporations Specialist

This is the full performance level.

  • Assignments require evaluative thinking and are carried out in accordance with accepted corporation law standards and applicable regulations.
  • Performs all phases in all areas of corporations and franchise tax.
  • Processes and/or legally files complex incorporating and franchise tax documents. Suspends or rejects corporate filings for non-payment of taxes and failure to meet legal requirements.
  • Mathematical calculations include prorating taxes and computing interest and penalties. Assist accountants, controllers and other corporate officials in calculating franchise taxes and/or corporate fees due.
  • Initiates collection activities in accordance with established policies.
  • Contacts corporate officials or representatives to solicit payment of delinquent taxes. Explains basis for delinquency. Provides written reports substantiating assessments. Reviews and determines appropriateness of payment plan requests and makes recommendations to section manager, including revoking the charter of intransigent delinquent companies.
  • Processes complex requests for service and information.
  • Answers difficult questions concerning the processing of required documents.  May represent the Unit/Section at meetings when specific expertise is required.
  • This level is differentiated from the lower level by the complexity and diversity of the work performed.
  • Interacts with registered agents, attorneys, accountants, corporate officials, representatives of out-of-state companies and the public to answer difficult questions, explain the basis for the problem, and resolve complicated problems in time sensitive situations.

Corporations Senior Specialist

This level is the first line supervisor, overseeing the daily operations of one or more functional work teams within the Division of Corporations.

  • Supervision is exercised over at least two or more merit, full time positions (per the Merit Rules).  The elements of supervision include planning, assigning, reviewing, evaluating, coaching, training, recommending hire/fire and discipline.
  • Oversees team functions and ensures deadlines are met, monitors workload and makes adjustments to team assignments and priorities.  Analyzes and evaluates team processes and makes recommendations for changes and improvements.
  • Assists Corporations Manager in planning and achieving organizational goals.
  • Demonstrates full proficiency and independence in performing the functions of a section within the Division of Corporations.
  • Reviews complex or unusual problems; advises management when necessary or responds directly to clients.
  • Leads staff in the maintenance, testing, and troubleshooting of an integrated corporations information system.
  • Prepares operational, productivity and quality reports regarding team operations.

Corporations Manager

This level supervises the daily operations of a unit within the Division of Corporations responsible for both technical and functional work involving the oversight of unit operations and the implementation and testing of corporations system enhancements and ongoing maintenance.

  • Supervises a unit within the Division through either subordinate Corporations Senior Specialist OR ERP Systems Specialist staff.
  • Oversees unit operations to ensure legal requirements and deadlines are met, monitors workflow to adjust unit priorities and analyzes and evaluates unit operations to identify problem areas and make recommendations for resolution.
  • Assists Corporations Section Administrator in planning and achieving organizational goals. Assists in developing short, intermediate and long-range plans.
  • Provides technical expertise to management in the formation of unit and division strategies.
  • Develops and oversees the implementation of special projects and new programs. Supervises staff in the maintenance, testing, and troubleshooting of an integrated corporations information system.
  • Participates in the planning, development, enhancement and implementation of an integrated corporations information system.
  • Evaluates maintenance requests and enhancement proposals to determine cost effectiveness; makes recommendations to management.
  • Reviews complex or unusual problems; advises management when necessary or responds directly to clients.
  • Provides training to staff and systems online agents and determines what information will be accessible to staff and customers.
  • Implements departmental and divisional policies and procedures. Conducts staff meetings to explain changes in Delaware Code, internal operating procedures or Division regulations.
  • Acts as liaison between technical staff, contractors, vendors and agency staff; informs users of system operating problems, changes, corrections, enhancements and new features.
  • Prepares reports as required by senior leadership regarding projects and unit operations.
  • May represent the unit or department at various meetings, conferences and on community councils.

Corporations Section Administrator

This level is the technical and functional expert, responsible for planning and directing the operation of a major corporation section in Division of Corporations as well as associated corporations systems.

  • Supervises employees directly and through subordinate Corporations Managers.
  • Plans and directs the development of programs to enhance revenue gains and services provided by the division.
  • Establishes short and long-term goals, objectives and priorities in order to meet strategic objectives of an integrated global automated information system.
  • Organizes, staffs, budgets and directs a global strategic Management Resource Information System.
  • Oversees the training and development of staff and agency personnel on the technical procedural use of system information. 
  • Implements special projects, responding to various requirements for information not otherwise provided by current system capabilities.
  • Drafts and recommends new or revised legislation that has significant financial impact on the State.
  • Monitors and evaluates system requirements in order to meet established goals and objectives. Develops and implements improvements to existing processes and systems to sustain revenues and provide maximum services.
  • Develops, plans and implements major software enhancements and applications. 
  • Determines technical requirements for the Division's state-of-the-art computer imaging system. Gives direction to information systems staff and computer consultants concerning technical requirements and provides final approval.
  • Monitors, evaluates and analyzes problems, procedures and the delivery of services. Advises superiors of the issues and impact on the Division, corporate industry and revenues; modifies corporation process based on national and state trends.
  • Reviews and analyzes production, quality assurance, project status, and revenue projection reports to identify trends, draw conclusions and make recommendations.
  • Develops and implements division policies and procedures. Develops project planning policies and procedures for domestic and international use.
  • Negotiates contracts for required services such as lockbox, printing and publishing services.
  • Analyzes and assesses delivery of services and national and international corporate growth and reductions in new entities, mergers, bankruptcies, and other activities.
  • Tracks economic conditions impacting corporate fees, franchise tax revenues and compliance.
  • Contacts include establishing relationships with attorneys, accountants, corporate officers and business representatives to ensure division provides high quality and state of the art services in resolving disputes in the application of Delaware laws at the national and international level. 

Corporations Administrator

This level is responsible for planning, developing, implementing and administering all functional and technical operations of the Division of Corporations to maintain and continue growth of a significant revenue base for the State of Delaware by directing, planning and implementing the strategic goals of the Division of Corporations regarding Franchise Tax and corporate issues of a national concern.

  • Reports to the Division Director and Deputy Cabinet Secretary.
  • Manages through subordinate managers and Section Administrators.
  • Develops plans, procedures and programs. Establishes long- and short-term goals, objectives and priorities.
  • Plans, develops and implements special projects, including information technology projects to ensure that Delaware maintains its marketplace in the national and international business community.
  • Establishes and maintains relationships with international and national government officials, national law associations and registered agents to promote the advantages of incorporation in Delaware and increase Delaware's market share in new incorporations or the reincorporation of large firms from other states.
  • Initiates or analyzes proposed legislation; recommends viable methods for promulgation and implementation of regulations; works with legal and corporate registered agents to gain consensus on controversial issues.
  • Oversees/authorizes the development and implementation of new or revised audit and investigative programs, collection tools and tax processing programs.
  • Conducts meetings with taxpayers prior to any formal or administrative appeal in order to explain the Division’s position and to seek resolution of the issue.
  • Plans and directs major strategic information systems projects typically lasting more than a year.
  • Provides direct administrative support to the Deputy Secretary of State in reviewing, analyzing and developing recommended division operational changes, short and long-range plans and goals; develops policies and procedures.
  • Develops, prepares, administers and controls the Division Budget.
  • Directs marketing efforts of the Division both nationally and locally; develops and implements marketing plans. Monitors and informs superiors regarding activities of other states including law changes, court decisions and fee charges as competitive market for new business increases.
  • Approves the Division procedures manual, rules and regulations utilized by law firms, registered agents and management staff.
  • Prepares special statistical and management reports for the Delaware Economic Financial Advisory Committee or legislative analysis for the Secretary of State.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

The intent of the listed knowledge, skills and abilities is to give a general indication of the core requirements for all positions in the class series; therefore, the KSA’s listed are not exhaustive or necessarily inclusive of the requirements of every position in the class.

  • Knowledge of office practices and procedures.
  • Knowledge of the policies and procedures of the Division of Corporations.
  • Knowledge of methods of effective communications.
  • Knowledge of applicable corporate laws per Title 8, Delaware Code.
  • Knowledge of the types of corporate shares and assets.
  • Knowledge of Business English, grammar, and spelling.
  • Skill in the operation of a computer equipped with multi-window capabilities.
  • Skill in utilizing computer software and various automated information systems to input, track, research and retrieve data and to process transactions.  
  • Skill in mathematical computations.
  • Skill in the use of office equipment.
  • Ability to provide prompt and courteous replies to questions from clients and the general public.
  • Ability to apply and explain applicable Delaware corporate laws.
  • Ability to analyze problems and situations and to take necessary corrective actions.
  • Ability to calculate taxes/fees due using different methods of calculations.
  • Ability to initiate and maintain effective business relationships.

In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Corporations Specialist requires:

  • Knowledge of corporate laws and other applicable laws, rules and regulations of Delaware.
  • Knowledge of lockbox operations.
  • Knowledge of federal bankruptcy laws.
  • Knowledge of the methods and techniques of systems testing and troubleshooting.
  • Skill in analyzing all types of corporate documents and records.
  • Skill in performing complex mathematical calculations.
  • Skill in effective communications.
  • Ability to advise attorneys, registered agents accountants, corporate officials, representatives of out-of-state companies and the public on specific State requirements related to the processing of a variety of corporate documents.
  • Ability to interpret, apply and explain corporate laws.

In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Corporations Senior Specialist requires:

  • Knowledge of supervisory principles and practices.
  • Knowledge of training resources and materials.
  • Knowledge of the maintenance, testing, analysis, troubleshooting, and modification of an automated information system.
  • Skill in analyzing operations.
  • Skill in recommending improvements to assigned operations such as new policies and procedures.
  • Skill in interpreting corporate laws and other applicable laws, rules and regulations.
  • Skill in analyzing data to ensure system integrity; troubleshooting to resolve issues.
  • Skill in use of the Delaware Corporation Information System.
  • Ability to resolve complex corporations issues.
  • Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing.
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships.

In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Corporations Manager requires:

  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of management.
  • Knowledge of information management system architectures, division organization system business practices and requirements and systems needs.
  • Knowledge of planning, development, enhancement and implementation of an automated system.
  • Knowledge of the operation of computers and networks.
  • Knowledge of accounting and/or bookkeeping practices and their application to the analysis of corporate documents and records for tax/fees enforcement purposes.
  • Skill in maintenance, testing, analysis, troubleshooting, and modification of an automated information system.
  • Skill in ensuring unit operations and systems are in compliance with corporation laws of Delaware and all other applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations.
  • Skill in evaluative thinking.
  • Skill in the use of the computer imaging system and the Delaware Corporation Information System.
  • Skill in diagnosing problems, developing solutions and communicating resolution.
  • Ability to develop work plans to ensure the most effective use of the system capabilities.
  • Ability to identify and analyze system problems/needs/issues, assess the impact and make recommendations.
  • Ability to manage resources. 

In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Corporations Section Administrator requires:

  • Knowledge of market analysis principles and practices.
  • Knowledge of state accounting and cash control systems.
  • Knowledge of policy and procedure development, implementation and evaluation.
  • Knowledge of making complex analysis and decisions and maintaining positive relationships with clients in the overall management of major revenue collection sections.
  • Knowledge of the theory, principles, technologies and applications of business, strategic planning, tactical planning and system development technologies, including computer aided project management tools.
  • Knowledge of concepts, methods and techniques of system analysis, including information needs analysis, requirements analysis and design alternative analysis.
  • Knowledge of the methods of instruction used in staff training and development.
  • Knowledge of concepts, methods, and techniques of administration, organizational behavior, and information resource management.
  • Skill in interpreting, analyzing and implementing federal and state legislated changes, and managing impact on systems. 
  • Skill in assessing and analyzing reports and financial data and determining trends for use in revenue forecasting.
  • Skill in developing short- and long-range strategic plans in compliance with agency goals and objectives.
  • Ability to maintain and update division manuals, rules, regulations, policies and procedures.
  • Ability to understand previous transactions of corporations, their charter documents and tax structures.
  • Ability to understand and to anticipate growth and changes in division operations and to make proper decisions.
  • Ability to collect information through interviews and consultations.
  • Ability to plan, schedule, assign, delegate and monitor the work of major project teams.
  • Ability to prepare requests for proposal, interview applicants, participate in the selection process and administer contracts.
  • Ability to develop guidelines and procedures for the installation, maintenance, monitoring and evaluation of an operating information system.
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with co-workers, agency personnel and vendors.
  • Ability to think creatively and to develop creative solutions to management information system problems.
  • Ability to manage, motivate and develop personnel.

In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Corporations Administrator requires:

  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of public administration.
  • Knowledge of the principles, practices and techniques of effective management, including human resource management.
  • Knowledge of principles and practices of fiscal management and budgetary policies as they relate to systems, planning development and management of on-going operations.
  • Knowledge of budget preparation and fiscal management.
  • Knowledge of principles and practices of marketing.
  • Skill in the principles and practices of administration. 
  • Skill in operations management which includes planning, directing, coordinating, controlling and evaluating operations through subordinate supervisors.
  • Skill in strategic planning, tactical planning and system development technologies, including computer aided project management tools.
  • Skill in policy and procedure development to maintain compliance with corporate and Delaware laws, rules and regulations.
  • Skill in the management of diverse operations.
  • Skill in oral and written presentations of complex, technical information.
  • Skill in developing and promoting legislative and policy rules and regulations.
  • Skill in developing consensus; mediating diverse and opposing priorities.
  • Ability to negotiate, write and administer contracts.
  • Ability to direct the comprehensive facets of a multi-million dollar corporation.
  • Ability to anticipate and initiate computer programming requirement changes.

Job Requirements

JOB REQUIREMENTS for Corporations Specialist
Applicants must have education, training and/or experience demonstrating competence in each of the following areas:

  1. Three years' experience in document processing which includes reviewing and evaluating records for completeness and conformity with laws, rules, regulations, standards, policies and procedures, resolve deficiencies, interpret information, and track and monitor activities.
  2. Three years' experience in using an automated information system to enter, update, modify, delete, retrieve/inquire and report on data.  
  3. Six months' experience in office operations such as operating office machines, handling incoming and outgoing mail, postal and shipping services, answering phones, directing calls and taking messages; file maintenance; maintaining and updating supplies.
  4. Six months' experience in interpreting business entity OR Uniform Commercial Code laws, rules, regulations, standards, policies and procedures.
  5. Six months' experience in math such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentages, or decimals.





