State of Maryland


- Hourly / - BiWeekly /
- Monthly / $53,808.00-$86,322.00 Yearly






An Employee Training Specialist II is the full performance level of work in the technical phases of employee development and training.  Employees in this classification perform specialized staff work in the field of employee career development and training at the headquarters level in a major Department.  Employees in this classification direct specialized career development or in-service training programs for priority occupational areas or for priority employee groups and the work is characterized by the independent judgment required and the authority granted for planning, integrating, monitoring and evaluating this program.  Employees in this classification identify staff development and training needs within the designated area, to develop training and development programs to meet these needs, integrate separate training activities within the program, maintain direction and control of the program, and evaluate its effectiveness and efficiency.  Employees in this classification supervise instructors and other training specialists who conduct training activities within the program.

Employees in this classification receive general administrative supervision from the head of a Departmental career development and training unit.  Work is evaluated by an examination of the extent to which development and training objectives for the designated program area are met, and by the efficiency of the methodology employed.

Positions in this classification are evaluated by using the classification job evaluation methodology.  The use of this method involves comparing assigned duties and responsibilities of a position to the job criteria found in the Nature of Work and Examples of Work sections of the class specification.

The Employee Training Specialist Trainee, Employee Training Specialist I and Employee Training Specialist II are differentiated on the basis of degree of supervisory control exercised by the supervisor over these employees.  The Employee Training Specialist Trainee learns to perform duties under close supervision.  The Employee Training Specialist I performs duties under close supervision at times and under general supervision at other times depending on the complexity of the specific duty being performed.  The Employee Training Specialist II performs the full range of duties and responsibilities under general supervision.


Consults with Departmental official to determine manpower objectives and needs;

Supervises the development, coordination and implementation of a component of the Department’s manpower development and training program;

Administers a component of the Departmental manpower development and training activities: establishes training objectives, reviews progress, and approves training programs and requests for training activities;

Integrates on-the-job training, in-service training, and out-service training to utilize all available resources for a comprehensive staff development system;

Develops training skills, methods, and techniques in instructional and career development staff members;

Negotiates with external educational and training resources to obtain program funding, arrange for academic courses, and to coordinate development programs;

Develops, organizes and supervises instructional activities in specialized training programs, such as in-service training for specialized professional or paraprofessional occupational groups, or for high priority groups such as the disadvantaged;

Performs other related duties. 


Knowledge of the objectives of staff development and training, its role in public administration and its relationship to the personnel function;

Knowledge of the methods of identifying staff development and training needs;

Knowledge of the techniques of group leadership and of standard training methods, techniques and resources available for use in staff development;

Knowledge of the techniques of functional job analysis;

Knowledge of the theory of employee motivation and behavior;

Knowledge of the elementary principles and practices of public administration and public personnel administration;

Ability to identify staff development and training needs within specialized occupational areas, or for specialized priority groups;

Ability to analyze complex training problems and to develop, with other professionals or leadership staff, practical solutions to these problems;

Ability to provide leadership and direction to institutional or other career development staff in implementing, monitoring and evaluating a specialized career program;

Ability to integrate discrete training activities within a specialized career development program;

Ability to provide ongoing direction and control for a specialized career development program;

Ability to present training material in a clear, concise and orderly manner;

Ability to direct, monitor and evaluate the work of instructors assigned to a specialized development program.


Experience: Six years of experience planning and conducting employee development and training.


1. Candidates may substitute the possession of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university and two years of experience planning, conducting or coordinating training or staff development activities for the required experience.

2. Candidates may substitute U.S. Armed Forces military service experience as a commissioned officer in education and training classification or education and training specialty codes in the education and training field of work on a year-for-year basis for the required experience.




Class specifications are broad descriptions covering groups of positions used by various State departments and agencies. Position descriptions maintained by the using department or agency specifically address the essential job functions of each position.

This is a Skilled Service classification in the State Personnel Management System.  All positions in this classification are Skilled Service positions. Some positions in Skilled Service classifications may be designated Special Appointment in accordance with the State Personnel and Pensions Article, Section 6-405, Annotated Code of Maryland.

This classification is assigned to Bargaining Unit G, Engineering, Scientific and Administrative Professionals classes. As provided by State Personnel and Pensions Article, Section 3-102, special appointment, temporary, contractual, supervisory, managerial and confidential employees are excluded from collective bargaining. Additionally, certain executive branch agencies are exempt from collective bargaining and all positions in those agencies are excluded from collective bargaining.

Employees in this classification are eligible to receive overtime compensation.  An employee who works more than the normal workweek is entitled to be compensated for that overtime as provided by State Personnel and Pensions Article, Section 8-305.

This classification is one level in a Non-Competitive Promotion (NCP) series.  NCP promotions are promotions by which employees may advance in grade and class level from trainee to full performance level in a classification series. In order to be non-competitively promoted to the next level in a NCP series an employee must: 1) perform the main purpose of the class as defined in the Nature of Work section of the class specification; 2) receive the type of supervision defined in the class specification, and 3) meet the minimum qualifications of the classification.  

Date Revised

January 5, 2022

Approved By

Director, Division of Classification and Salary

CLASS: 002919; REV: 1/5/2022;

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