Chief attorney for the Division which has statewide responsibility for representing Public Defender clients in direct appeals from the circuit courts to the Court of Special Appeals, and in further review proceedings before the Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court.
Provides research and consultation on legal issues for staff and panel attorneys throughout the twelve Public Defender Districts.
Publishes a monthly Appellate Update with summaries of reported Maryland appellate court and U.S. Supreme Court opinions relating to criminal law, as well as articles on procedure, trial tactics, and changes in rules of procedure and criminal statutes.
Specific educational and experience requirements are set by the agency based on the essential job functions assigned to the position.
A Class Description provides information about the Nature of Work, Examples of Work and General Requirements for a classification in the Management Service or a classification in the Skilled or Professional Service in which all positions have been designated Special Appointments. Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities; Minimum Education and Experience Requirements; Special Requirements; and recruitment and testing procedures are set by the using agency. Class descriptions broadly define groups of positions used by various State departments and agencies. Position descriptions maintained by the using department or agency specifically address the essential job functions of each position.